Sunday, November 27, 2005

The Season Begins

Yay. Today began officially the best time of year. I like fall, summer us fun. but I LOVE Christmas. I love to bake, shop, wrap and sing carols. I love the cold weather and the food. I like to make paper snowflakes and trim trees. I love family and chesy old television specials.YAY.

Yesterday I got out all of my christmas decorations and put them up.

Our Christmas Tree 2005

Today I also went shopping... and get this. I am DONE with buying presents for my daughters! That is the bulk of my shopping! I buy for others too.. but the hardest ones are finished, and I am really exited about my purchases. We got them some cool stuff. This is "the" year for Caitlin, the one where she will find the shiny new bicycle with a big red bow under the tree. I cant wait to see her face!Jasmin who is older will basically be able to place all of her presents into an envelope... she wanted games and dvd's for her PSP. (that she won at a church function) SO thats what she got.. as well as other grown up type items.. clothes and books. I was kind of sad bypassing the toy aisles when shopping for her. :( But I stillhave Caitlin, and I had almost tooo much fun playing and exploring all the dolls and toys at Walmart. To much fun.

This week I will begin baking. My mother usually does all of the traditional baking, but as she has a broken foot and is under strict Dr's orders to remain off of it. I am left with the gameball. AND I have to hurry since my baby sister will not be home for the holidays. Shipping to Alaska takes longer than most places.

That brings me to the only sad part of it all. It seems wierd without Tina. Believe me, I tried to bring her home... if only for Mom's sake. She is near depression knowing that the baby girl will not be home for Christmas. Normally I wouldnt admit it... but I am sad too. I miss her, and the Holidays will only magnify it. :( Oh well. It will make our planned trip to Alaska this spring all the sweeter.

1 comment:

The_Sphinx said...

Sounds like you are way intothe christmas spirit.Sorry about your sis.Hey if theres one thing i know miracles happen at christmas.Maybe something will change.