Yesterday Steven lost his job. I am still in shock. One moment we were fine. Not richer certainly, by any means. But we were making it. And in a split second everything has changed. To be quite honest I dont know what we'll do.
He worked for a local builder's supply warehouse. For three years, with not a single complaint. Not anything, no warning. He got nothing but repeated promotions and raises.He had nearly perfect attendance.In fact he was promised a raise recently. Then suddenly yesterday he was let go for "poor work". Something is fishy... espcially since a family member was brought in creating a downward shift with other employees with more seniority on the very same day.
It seems espcially harsh, it being 3 weeks from Christmas and us having kids. Before now this just wasnt a company that would do something like this. It just doesnt make sense. Certainly has put me into a tailspin.
Weve warned Dalon's Mom that I may have to look for another situtation. My keeping him isnt very profitable. It was more a labor of love than a financial thing. But now knowing the local economy, I'll likely have to go to work. I hate the idea of sending Dalton to a daycare, but I have to think of my own family.
Thank God for my parents. I know that it will put them into more than a bind, but my Dad, like always is saying in his way "dont worry, I got this." I dont know how. Luckily our bills arent a lot in the scheme of things.. although at this point any cost at all seems daunting.
I'm scared.Everyone's first reaction has been "God will take care of you" or "Everything is going to be ok". Ive said it to others in my siutaion, but to be honest it doesnt help a bit.When what you really want to do is curl into a fetal position and rock. Im trying to rely on God, trust and rest in Him knowing that he is in control. It's much harder than it looks.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
In Other News

My five year old is a follower. I am rather disapointed. Personally? I am/was a leader. I didnt follow fashion "rules" (Except pegged stoned washed jeans and BIG bangs in the 8th grade... but what can you do?) and I tend not care much about what others think of me. Caitlin however does. She is VERY concerned with what others think of her. For example. Yesterday she wore an old beat up cowboy hat of my sister's around the house all day long. It was adorable and she begged me to allow her to wear it to the christmas play practice she had to go to last evening. After much harrangig and begging I finally submitted and allowed her to wear the silly thing. She was very pleased with herself. UNTIL it came time to get out of the car. Last minute she lost her nerve and said "Taylor and Tori will think I am a dork." and with that the beloved hat was left in the backseat of the car. I am sad. Were it me? I might have wanted to carry along my broomstick horse.
In other news.. A funny thing happened at Walmart. Today I was in my natural habitat looking for some yarn to finish off yet another crochet project, when I noticed a woman. Short of stature, she was having difficulty reaching an item on an upper shelf. It being the holiday season, and me being tall of stature, I walk over and reach for her item. As I reach, in a friendly gesture I place my hand on her arm. Imagine my shock and horror as her ARM COMES OFF IN MY HAND. She had a prosthesis. And not a very good one at that. We just stood there looking at eachother. She in amusement at my horror and I in total shock. I completely lacked the proper ettiquite for this situation. Do I allow the arm to drop? Do I further assist her by attempting to re-attatch the arm? Thankfully at that exact moment Dalton who had been observing all of this from his spot in the buggy, noticed that he could reach a display of holiday cookie cutters and was launching them over his head and onto the floor. I love that kid.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
The Season Begins

Yay. Today began officially the best time of year. I like fall, summer us fun. but I LOVE Christmas. I love to bake, shop, wrap and sing carols. I love the cold weather and the food. I like to make paper snowflakes and trim trees. I love family and chesy old television specials.YAY.
Yesterday I got out all of my christmas decorations and put them up.

Our Christmas Tree 2005
Today I also went shopping... and get this. I am DONE with buying presents for my daughters! That is the bulk of my shopping! I buy for others too.. but the hardest ones are finished, and I am really exited about my purchases. We got them some cool stuff. This is "the" year for Caitlin, the one where she will find the shiny new bicycle with a big red bow under the tree. I cant wait to see her face!Jasmin who is older will basically be able to place all of her presents into an envelope... she wanted games and dvd's for her PSP. (that she won at a church function) SO thats what she got.. as well as other grown up type items.. clothes and books. I was kind of sad bypassing the toy aisles when shopping for her. :( But I stillhave Caitlin, and I had almost tooo much fun playing and exploring all the dolls and toys at Walmart. To much fun.
This week I will begin baking. My mother usually does all of the traditional baking, but as she has a broken foot and is under strict Dr's orders to remain off of it. I am left with the gameball. AND I have to hurry since my baby sister will not be home for the holidays. Shipping to Alaska takes longer than most places.
That brings me to the only sad part of it all. It seems wierd without Tina. Believe me, I tried to bring her home... if only for Mom's sake. She is near depression knowing that the baby girl will not be home for Christmas. Normally I wouldnt admit it... but I am sad too. I miss her, and the Holidays will only magnify it. :( Oh well. It will make our planned trip to Alaska this spring all the sweeter.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving
I am thankful for...
my daughters
a home
our jobs that allow us more than we deserve
a family that is near
a free country
The list goes on and on. I want to wish everyone a wonderful and safe holiday. May your turkeys be moist, your pies be sweet and your buns be warm :)
Protect all of those who are far from home protecting our freedom and the freedom of others. Send comfort to the loved ones at home and to those who have already paid the highest price.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
In Memorial

Gunsite Mountain Alaska
Muriel Faye Marinelli 1943-1991
Louie B Marinelli 1941-1991
Grief, I think is the strangest of emotions. It ebbs and flows like a river, behaving almost of its own accord. Happiness? Fear? Sadness? Anger? These emtions I have some sense of control over. But grief? She does as she will.
Today is the 15th anniversary of the month my Granparents died. Nana on 25 October and Papa the night before Thanksgiving. Barely a month apart.On some days it seems like a long long time ago. The memories are faint and there is only the meloncholy emptiness that exists when you miss someone. But on other days, the memories are sharp and raw like a sunburn. I can relive every single detail of the days and those that followed if I allow myself.
My Nana died first, from complications from Emphysema. We expected it. We knew the end was near and we made our goodbyes.We were as ready as you can be to lose someone you love. Sometimes I get scared when I think that I have forgotten the sound of her voice, all scratchy from years of smoking or the way she laughed, or how she walked with a little waddle. Sometimes I am in a store and I will hear someone a few aisles over cough a raspy smokers cough and I remember being lost from her in a grocery store when I was a kid, and only having to listen for her distinctive cough.I miss her, but usually only when I reach a milestone, or badly need her advice.
My Papa is a different story. He died unexpectedly from a masive heart attack in the Costco parking lot. Honestly, at the time it seemed impossible that we should have to endure it so soon after losing Nana. I thought he was well, but looking back, he'd probably been ill for some time, remaining strong to care for Nana, and us as we grieved her. The pain from him dying is still sick in my stomach even after all this time.
I have a reoccuring dream about him. I rears its ugly head at this time of year and sometimes for no apparent reason at all. We are in Italy (my Papa was 100% Italian) in the countryside. (I am not sure why we are there, we were never there together, I am not even aware if he ever went to Italy himself at all.) There is a parochial school on the side of a mountain and it is full of children. It is raining hard and there is a sudden mudslide and my Papa and I are bringing armload after armoload of children out of the threatened school when it is overtaken by the mud.The children are all safe, but I am lost from my Grandfather and I am forever looking for him in the swirling mud and debris. I always wake up sweaty and in tears.
I have read book after book about dreams and interpeting them, but nothing even begins to explain it. The only theme that matches it is "rescue". My Papa is not my biological Grandfather, but my mother's stepdad, who married my Grandma after she divorced my Mother's father.Some books suggest I feel like he "rescued" my family. And the fact that he is lost from me in the mud that I am still grieving his death.
It still confuses me though.
The sound of your voice still rings in the closets of my ears
and the smell of your hugs still lingers in the deepest part of my nose.
Regret binds me to your loss and chases me in my dreams.
I wonder, would who I have become make you proud?
would you see your fingerprints on my life and be glad?
Monday, November 21, 2005
soup recipe
Here is the recipe for the soup I took to church sunday. It makes a LOT so get a spoon!
Southern style Minestrone
one chicken skin removed
one large can of crushed tomatoes
one small can of diced tomatoes with jalepenos
one small can spinach
one small can white Northern beans
one bag of frozen gumbo veggies (okra, corn,onion,celery,red pepper)
one package smoked sausage
one lb rotini noodles uncooked
2 tsp garlic salt
2 tsp seasoning salt
2 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
4 cups water
In a large stock pot place the chicken and enough water to cover. Add seasonings and boil until meat falls apart
remove bones from chicken and return to stock.
Add 4 cups water.
Add all canned veggies, do not strain out water
add noodles
add sausage
simmer for a long time on low or until the noodles are cooked soft... I took a nap while it cooked
Tastes pretty darn good.
Southern style Minestrone
one chicken skin removed
one large can of crushed tomatoes
one small can of diced tomatoes with jalepenos
one small can spinach
one small can white Northern beans
one bag of frozen gumbo veggies (okra, corn,onion,celery,red pepper)
one package smoked sausage
one lb rotini noodles uncooked
2 tsp garlic salt
2 tsp seasoning salt
2 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
4 cups water
In a large stock pot place the chicken and enough water to cover. Add seasonings and boil until meat falls apart
remove bones from chicken and return to stock.
Add 4 cups water.
Add all canned veggies, do not strain out water
add noodles
add sausage
simmer for a long time on low or until the noodles are cooked soft... I took a nap while it cooked
Tastes pretty darn good.
Time Flies (LONG!)
Time is going by sooo fast. I cant believe that I am blogging ANOTHER weekend!
We had a VERY busy weekend. As most of you know we have been preparing for the wedding of Tiffany and Jamie (The little mans's parents.) The past few weeks have been full of all the little details that make weddings stressful.For me, that meant addressing the invitations (I can do calligraphy.) Decorating the programs (punching holes and tying ribbons on 100 programs)and making 400 peanutbutter balls.
Friday evening was the rehearsal and was full of the usual madness and disoragnization.But thankfully it only lasted 2 hours. Almost one whole hour was wasted waiting for someone who was LATE. (grr)After we rehearsed the wedding and Thing 2 as flower girl did her adorable stuff we went for dinner as a group to B&C Steakhouse.As someone who enjoys side dishes more than the actual main course this was the place for me. The side dishes there are fantastic.. but the main courses (chicken,meatloaf or porkchops) werent that great. But we had a nice evening and no one was fighting, and since this was a family affiar that was encouraging.
Afterward on our way home we came upon an accident scene. It happened right in front of us.One car t-boned another as it made its way through an intersection. As someone with a medical license (I have a medical assistant license and an advanced cpr license that is registered with the Dillon County emt as an advanced responder, my number is listed as a volunteer reponder should a major incident occur. I could take it a step further and become a volunteer emt, but since I dont drive, that could be hard) I am always leary of assisting at accident scenes when we come upon them, and it happens more than you would think. Reasons being.
#1. Once providing care for anyone on the scene I am not released to leave until the first EMT on scene clears me to leave, wich can take a long time, usually after all MPI are removed from the scene.
#2. If anything were to happen, (like someone I am working on DIES) I could be held responsible by the persons family, and I dont have insurance like the emt would..
#3. I am usually reposnible to make a report to the police.
However I usually try to help if I can. This time no one was hurt very badly, just scared mostly. I was able to secure the passengers in one car and gave the report to the emts when they arrived. Its a rush, and makes me want to get certified as an emt or finish my nursing degree or something. I DO have to remember to get some gloves and leave them in the car, because after leaving I found I had blood all over my hands... wich in this day and times isnt a good idea.
Saturday was a busy morning and 1:00 came very quickly. It was my job to wrangle Dalton and to help where ever I could help. I ended up spending the better part of an hour trying to wrestle an angry Little man into a tuxedo and try to keep him from tearing the place apart.It was like trying to dress an angry squid. He suddenly had 12 arms and 25 legs. He did a move I can only associate with a wet noodle and refused to be cajoled into any sense of cooperation whatsoever. I ran chasing him down the hall bow tie and left sock and shoe in hand, much to the delight and amusement of all onlookers.
The Little Man, who had been under the care of his father that morning was unusally surley. I was not aware, but someone had neglected to feed the poor child any lunch. It was now 3 pm and the wedding was ready to begin. But Dalton, who had been harrassed and squished into a full tuxedo was not in any mood for ringbearing duties or anything else other than throwing himself on the floor and screaming. Wich he did to the delight of the photographer. (Im sure he'll love THOSE pictures when he is 16!)
Finally after being bribed with promises of cookies and all manner of other treats he walked in his silly little boy gait down the aisle promptly handed his decorated pillow to Thing 1 who sat about midway down the aisle and was the delight of the whole wedding party when he ran haphazardly about the stage, even allowing the minister to remove him from the stairs behind him.
Thing 2 was picture perfect as a flowergirl. She took her duties very seriously and stood picture still through the entire sevice. I was so proud. whatsmore she was SO cute :)I'll post some pics as soon as I find the digital camera.
Sunday was quiet. I skipped am service since my back was killing me from to much detail work the week before. I made a huge pot of soup to take to the church supper. It was nice. We sat with Aunt Allie and her kids and talked about thanksgiving plans.
Yay for monday! Im beat!
We had a VERY busy weekend. As most of you know we have been preparing for the wedding of Tiffany and Jamie (The little mans's parents.) The past few weeks have been full of all the little details that make weddings stressful.For me, that meant addressing the invitations (I can do calligraphy.) Decorating the programs (punching holes and tying ribbons on 100 programs)and making 400 peanutbutter balls.
Friday evening was the rehearsal and was full of the usual madness and disoragnization.But thankfully it only lasted 2 hours. Almost one whole hour was wasted waiting for someone who was LATE. (grr)After we rehearsed the wedding and Thing 2 as flower girl did her adorable stuff we went for dinner as a group to B&C Steakhouse.As someone who enjoys side dishes more than the actual main course this was the place for me. The side dishes there are fantastic.. but the main courses (chicken,meatloaf or porkchops) werent that great. But we had a nice evening and no one was fighting, and since this was a family affiar that was encouraging.
Afterward on our way home we came upon an accident scene. It happened right in front of us.One car t-boned another as it made its way through an intersection. As someone with a medical license (I have a medical assistant license and an advanced cpr license that is registered with the Dillon County emt as an advanced responder, my number is listed as a volunteer reponder should a major incident occur. I could take it a step further and become a volunteer emt, but since I dont drive, that could be hard) I am always leary of assisting at accident scenes when we come upon them, and it happens more than you would think. Reasons being.
#1. Once providing care for anyone on the scene I am not released to leave until the first EMT on scene clears me to leave, wich can take a long time, usually after all MPI are removed from the scene.
#2. If anything were to happen, (like someone I am working on DIES) I could be held responsible by the persons family, and I dont have insurance like the emt would..
#3. I am usually reposnible to make a report to the police.
However I usually try to help if I can. This time no one was hurt very badly, just scared mostly. I was able to secure the passengers in one car and gave the report to the emts when they arrived. Its a rush, and makes me want to get certified as an emt or finish my nursing degree or something. I DO have to remember to get some gloves and leave them in the car, because after leaving I found I had blood all over my hands... wich in this day and times isnt a good idea.
Saturday was a busy morning and 1:00 came very quickly. It was my job to wrangle Dalton and to help where ever I could help. I ended up spending the better part of an hour trying to wrestle an angry Little man into a tuxedo and try to keep him from tearing the place apart.It was like trying to dress an angry squid. He suddenly had 12 arms and 25 legs. He did a move I can only associate with a wet noodle and refused to be cajoled into any sense of cooperation whatsoever. I ran chasing him down the hall bow tie and left sock and shoe in hand, much to the delight and amusement of all onlookers.
The Little Man, who had been under the care of his father that morning was unusally surley. I was not aware, but someone had neglected to feed the poor child any lunch. It was now 3 pm and the wedding was ready to begin. But Dalton, who had been harrassed and squished into a full tuxedo was not in any mood for ringbearing duties or anything else other than throwing himself on the floor and screaming. Wich he did to the delight of the photographer. (Im sure he'll love THOSE pictures when he is 16!)
Finally after being bribed with promises of cookies and all manner of other treats he walked in his silly little boy gait down the aisle promptly handed his decorated pillow to Thing 1 who sat about midway down the aisle and was the delight of the whole wedding party when he ran haphazardly about the stage, even allowing the minister to remove him from the stairs behind him.
Thing 2 was picture perfect as a flowergirl. She took her duties very seriously and stood picture still through the entire sevice. I was so proud. whatsmore she was SO cute :)I'll post some pics as soon as I find the digital camera.
Sunday was quiet. I skipped am service since my back was killing me from to much detail work the week before. I made a huge pot of soup to take to the church supper. It was nice. We sat with Aunt Allie and her kids and talked about thanksgiving plans.
Yay for monday! Im beat!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
100 things about me
100 things about me
1. I once ate whale blubber
2. I hate sand
3. I have a mole on my tummy that looks like a frog
4. I love lavender roses.
5. I can spell almost any word...go ahead try me
6. I don't drive
7. Ive been married twice to the same man.
8. I was born near Seattle Washington.
9. I was student body vice president of the University I went to.
10. I hate all things powdery
11. I have a lazy eye.
12. I have been to Greece.
13. I do not have any living Grandparents
14. I love to eat California rolls
15. I once worked as a sux chef for a famous chef in Alaska.
16. I never dated a civilian until I was 23
17. I am afraid of the dentist.
18. I have one gigantic earlobe... the other one is "normal"
19. I was in labor with my daughter for over 24 hours.
20. I think raw cookie dough is gross.
21. I went to an alternative high school.
22. I have 47 first cousins. (I counted).
23. I love everything about Christmas.
24. I can memorize things easily.
25. I know how to roast coffee beans.
26. I have had the same best friend for over 20 years.
27. I like dark chocolate the best.
28. I love bookstores.
29. I cant do math.
30. I love Thai iced tea.
31. I have been a bridesmaid 5 times.
32. I hate being late.. and people who are habitually late.
33. I love eating at "The Melting Pot"
34. I am allergic to codeine and doxycycline.
35. I have been to Italy.
36. I almost died in Mexico once.
37. I own a Chinese pug.
38. I once passed out in a traffic median at the airport in Budapest Hungary.
39. I rode my first roller coaster ever when I was 28.
40. I dropped out of bible school.
41. I almost joined the airforce once, but I didn't feel like losing that much weight.
42. I was on the toilet when the plane I was on landed once.
43. I have been to the most northern point in the united states.
44. I hate over ripe fruit.
45. I have been to the Vatican.
46. I like reality TV.
47. I know how to do advanced CPR.
48. I hate skiing.
49. I spent 20 years in Alaska.
50. I have had mono.
51. I have been in a bar fight.
52. I can sing passably well.
53. I have spoken on the senate floor in Juneau Alaska.
54. I have touched a moose.
55. I have never seen a picture of one of my grandfathers.
56. I have never been arrested.
57. I can make really really good soup.
58. I once applied to be on CBS's "Big Brother"
59. I think my father is handsome.
60. I once had to take the dentures out of a dead woman's mouth.
61. I gag when I brush my teeth.
62. I have spent the night in a Romanian orphanage.
63. I have drank beer in Germany.
64. I once met Chuck Norris.
65. I have almost no toenail on my left pinkie toe.
66. I have ridden in an ambulance.
67. I was the top seller for 6 months in a row at Harbor Freight Tools.
68. I cry when I watch "Armageddon" every single time.
69. I met my husband online.
70. I have eaten cow stomach soup.
71. I had read the bible cover to cover by the time I was 12.
72. I like to wake up in the middle of the night ... just so I can go back to sleep.
73. I love to eat warm French bread and cheese.
74. I have driven across the country 3 times.
75. I hate my husbands ex wife.
76. I like coffee.
77. I had one of my recipes published on
78. I prefer Pepsi to coke.
79. I can read really fast.
80. I hate the smell of fried eggs.
81. I love history books
82. I like to crochet, but I hate to knit.
83. I have been to Disney World twice. And Ill probably go as often as I can.
84. I have touched a live squid.
85. I have seen the Aurora Borealis.
86. I can draw quite well.
87. I once served coffee to the Lt. Governor of Alaska.
88. I saw the local TV news weather man at Walmart today.
89. I wear flip flops all year round.
90. I have competed in Ballroom dance.
91. I love the smell of diesel exhaust.
92. I have had a cold on the same day (Christmas Day) for 3 years running.
93. I have ridden a horse on the beach in Mexico.
94. I like red apples, but not green ones.
95. I put lemon in my Pepsi.
96. I hate pantyhose.
97. I hate almost all boiled food.
98. I once rode a ski lift to the top of a mountain and was too afraid to ski down.
99. I have hairy toes.
100. I love winter.
1. I once ate whale blubber
2. I hate sand
3. I have a mole on my tummy that looks like a frog
4. I love lavender roses.
5. I can spell almost any word...go ahead try me
6. I don't drive
7. Ive been married twice to the same man.
8. I was born near Seattle Washington.
9. I was student body vice president of the University I went to.
10. I hate all things powdery
11. I have a lazy eye.
12. I have been to Greece.
13. I do not have any living Grandparents
14. I love to eat California rolls
15. I once worked as a sux chef for a famous chef in Alaska.
16. I never dated a civilian until I was 23
17. I am afraid of the dentist.
18. I have one gigantic earlobe... the other one is "normal"
19. I was in labor with my daughter for over 24 hours.
20. I think raw cookie dough is gross.
21. I went to an alternative high school.
22. I have 47 first cousins. (I counted).
23. I love everything about Christmas.
24. I can memorize things easily.
25. I know how to roast coffee beans.
26. I have had the same best friend for over 20 years.
27. I like dark chocolate the best.
28. I love bookstores.
29. I cant do math.
30. I love Thai iced tea.
31. I have been a bridesmaid 5 times.
32. I hate being late.. and people who are habitually late.
33. I love eating at "The Melting Pot"
34. I am allergic to codeine and doxycycline.
35. I have been to Italy.
36. I almost died in Mexico once.
37. I own a Chinese pug.
38. I once passed out in a traffic median at the airport in Budapest Hungary.
39. I rode my first roller coaster ever when I was 28.
40. I dropped out of bible school.
41. I almost joined the airforce once, but I didn't feel like losing that much weight.
42. I was on the toilet when the plane I was on landed once.
43. I have been to the most northern point in the united states.
44. I hate over ripe fruit.
45. I have been to the Vatican.
46. I like reality TV.
47. I know how to do advanced CPR.
48. I hate skiing.
49. I spent 20 years in Alaska.
50. I have had mono.
51. I have been in a bar fight.
52. I can sing passably well.
53. I have spoken on the senate floor in Juneau Alaska.
54. I have touched a moose.
55. I have never seen a picture of one of my grandfathers.
56. I have never been arrested.
57. I can make really really good soup.
58. I once applied to be on CBS's "Big Brother"
59. I think my father is handsome.
60. I once had to take the dentures out of a dead woman's mouth.
61. I gag when I brush my teeth.
62. I have spent the night in a Romanian orphanage.
63. I have drank beer in Germany.
64. I once met Chuck Norris.
65. I have almost no toenail on my left pinkie toe.
66. I have ridden in an ambulance.
67. I was the top seller for 6 months in a row at Harbor Freight Tools.
68. I cry when I watch "Armageddon" every single time.
69. I met my husband online.
70. I have eaten cow stomach soup.
71. I had read the bible cover to cover by the time I was 12.
72. I like to wake up in the middle of the night ... just so I can go back to sleep.
73. I love to eat warm French bread and cheese.
74. I have driven across the country 3 times.
75. I hate my husbands ex wife.
76. I like coffee.
77. I had one of my recipes published on
78. I prefer Pepsi to coke.
79. I can read really fast.
80. I hate the smell of fried eggs.
81. I love history books
82. I like to crochet, but I hate to knit.
83. I have been to Disney World twice. And Ill probably go as often as I can.
84. I have touched a live squid.
85. I have seen the Aurora Borealis.
86. I can draw quite well.
87. I once served coffee to the Lt. Governor of Alaska.
88. I saw the local TV news weather man at Walmart today.
89. I wear flip flops all year round.
90. I have competed in Ballroom dance.
91. I love the smell of diesel exhaust.
92. I have had a cold on the same day (Christmas Day) for 3 years running.
93. I have ridden a horse on the beach in Mexico.
94. I like red apples, but not green ones.
95. I put lemon in my Pepsi.
96. I hate pantyhose.
97. I hate almost all boiled food.
98. I once rode a ski lift to the top of a mountain and was too afraid to ski down.
99. I have hairy toes.
100. I love winter.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
God Bless the Broken Road
Rascal Flatts - Bless The Broken Road
I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you
Every long lost dream lead me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
I think about the years I spent just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there you understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true
Every long lost dream lead me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
I dont usually wax sentimental or mushy.. but today I was thinking about my husband. We both came a long way to find eachother.. me from Alaska and from bad relationship after bad relationship. He from a terrible marriage and a broken heart. We met online after he responded to a personal add I was forced to place after losing a bet. I was seeing someone, an older guy (40 in fact!) and not going anywhere. He bought a computer and was browsing online and found my add. I had placed it under "Florence" lying to conceal my identity in a small town.We chatted and found that we had so much in common we decided to meet, only to find that we lived a few blocks from one another.It took us only one date to know that we had found what we were looking for in all the wrong places.
For reasons Ill never know, He is so good to me. He calls me "beautiful" out of habit, and compliments my appearance, even though Im sure that my "domestic technician" outfits are less than sexy.He loves me nearly unconditionaly (no one loves us COMPLETELY unconditionaly except the Lord)He allows my travel adiction and even puts up with bianual trips to Disney World when he doesnt like thrill rides.He works very hard every single day... and loves that I can be home with our kids.
This week I managed to bounce 4 checks. Yup count em! FOUR! The bank paisd them thankfully, but charges $30 a pop that meant $120 in bank fees. putting us into debt when we have worked all year not to acrue any more debt than we already had.He was MAD, but didnt yell or want to fight over it. He just shrugged and said "its just money, I know you didnt mean to, we'l figure it out." I didnt know how to handle it.(I secretly wondered what he had done that allowed me such a screw up!) How wonderful was that?
I love that man of mine. Just wanted to speak it.
I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you
Every long lost dream lead me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
I think about the years I spent just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there you understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true
Every long lost dream lead me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
I dont usually wax sentimental or mushy.. but today I was thinking about my husband. We both came a long way to find eachother.. me from Alaska and from bad relationship after bad relationship. He from a terrible marriage and a broken heart. We met online after he responded to a personal add I was forced to place after losing a bet. I was seeing someone, an older guy (40 in fact!) and not going anywhere. He bought a computer and was browsing online and found my add. I had placed it under "Florence" lying to conceal my identity in a small town.We chatted and found that we had so much in common we decided to meet, only to find that we lived a few blocks from one another.It took us only one date to know that we had found what we were looking for in all the wrong places.
For reasons Ill never know, He is so good to me. He calls me "beautiful" out of habit, and compliments my appearance, even though Im sure that my "domestic technician" outfits are less than sexy.He loves me nearly unconditionaly (no one loves us COMPLETELY unconditionaly except the Lord)He allows my travel adiction and even puts up with bianual trips to Disney World when he doesnt like thrill rides.He works very hard every single day... and loves that I can be home with our kids.
This week I managed to bounce 4 checks. Yup count em! FOUR! The bank paisd them thankfully, but charges $30 a pop that meant $120 in bank fees. putting us into debt when we have worked all year not to acrue any more debt than we already had.He was MAD, but didnt yell or want to fight over it. He just shrugged and said "its just money, I know you didnt mean to, we'l figure it out." I didnt know how to handle it.(I secretly wondered what he had done that allowed me such a screw up!) How wonderful was that?
I love that man of mine. Just wanted to speak it.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Spaghetti Sauce recipe
This is a great recipe that tastes good on any kind of pasta. We like the store brands.. but I use this when I am feeling ambitious.
One large can crushed tomatos
one medium can stewed tomatos "italian stle"
1 tiny can tomato paste
1 lb sweet italian sausage browned and drained
2 tsp olive EVOO
1 cup wine (red or white works, whatever you have hanging around ya drunk!)
1 medium onion diced VERY small
3 cloves of garlic minced (adjust to taste)
1 tsp crushed red pepper (adjust to taste)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
2 tsp "italian seasoning"
1 lb sliced mushrooms
black olives, sliced zuchinni or whatever other yummy veggies you can sneak by your family.
ON high preheat a pan and add evoo and heat until its hot. Add garlic and onion. Cook until the onion turns a light golden brown. DO NOT burn the garlic. It will be bitter. Next add the mushrooms sautee until soft. When the mushrooms are done slowly add the wine and using a wooden spoon get all the little pieces off the bottom. Add the salt, sugar, italian seasoning and crushed red pepper.
Dump in the tomatoes and stir in the paste. Next slowly add the italian sausage a little at a time Turn the pot down to the lowest level ou can on your stove and simmer until dinner time... the flavors will only get better and better with time. Sometimes I make it one day and let it set in the frige overnight and then simmer it all day the day I plan to serve it. YUMMY.
One large can crushed tomatos
one medium can stewed tomatos "italian stle"
1 tiny can tomato paste
1 lb sweet italian sausage browned and drained
2 tsp olive EVOO
1 cup wine (red or white works, whatever you have hanging around ya drunk!)
1 medium onion diced VERY small
3 cloves of garlic minced (adjust to taste)
1 tsp crushed red pepper (adjust to taste)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
2 tsp "italian seasoning"
1 lb sliced mushrooms
black olives, sliced zuchinni or whatever other yummy veggies you can sneak by your family.
ON high preheat a pan and add evoo and heat until its hot. Add garlic and onion. Cook until the onion turns a light golden brown. DO NOT burn the garlic. It will be bitter. Next add the mushrooms sautee until soft. When the mushrooms are done slowly add the wine and using a wooden spoon get all the little pieces off the bottom. Add the salt, sugar, italian seasoning and crushed red pepper.
Dump in the tomatoes and stir in the paste. Next slowly add the italian sausage a little at a time Turn the pot down to the lowest level ou can on your stove and simmer until dinner time... the flavors will only get better and better with time. Sometimes I make it one day and let it set in the frige overnight and then simmer it all day the day I plan to serve it. YUMMY.
"The Red Violin " Movie Review
Sorry I missed the weekend's dinner menus Shannon.. I didnt cook much outside fo the "chick food" from the shower. In fact we ate out friday, saturday we had leftovers and last night I ate with my parents and steven and the kids had hotdogs after church. Tonight's Dinner menu- Spaghetti (semi homemade sauce I'll post the recipe for you) French bread and green beans.
The Red Violin- Samuel L. Jackson, Carlo Cecchi, Irene Graziola
The Red Violin follows the life of a red violin (duh) over three hundred years, and chronicles the stories of the people that it encounters.
At the beginning of the film, the wife of an Italian violin maker, pregnant with their child, goes to get her fortune read. She doesn't realize that the fortune is not hers, but he violin's. As time moves on, the violin travels to an orphage in Vienna, a concert house in England, China in the midst of the Cultural Revolution, and to a present day auction house in Montreal. The settings are varied and the cinematography is gorgeous.Each story is intercut with a little bit of Jackson in the present day, and as more of the violin's life is revealed, more of Jackson's story is also told.
I LOVED this movie. I personally love foriegn films and always like subtitles since my hearing isnt very good. I always have trouble with accents. I will warn you
there were some pretty racy scenes in the middle of the movie.. even some female nudity. BUT even though they were outright sex scenes they werent tooo raunchy, and they reenforced the idea the affliction of the holder of the violin. I wont go into it to vividly, but there is a scene where this virtuoso is making love to his wife WHILE he plays the violin.. the images were SO sexy without being crude or dirty.
I give this about 4 out of 5 stars.. great movie.. artsy and beautiful with a good plot.
The Red Violin- Samuel L. Jackson, Carlo Cecchi, Irene Graziola
The Red Violin follows the life of a red violin (duh) over three hundred years, and chronicles the stories of the people that it encounters.
At the beginning of the film, the wife of an Italian violin maker, pregnant with their child, goes to get her fortune read. She doesn't realize that the fortune is not hers, but he violin's. As time moves on, the violin travels to an orphage in Vienna, a concert house in England, China in the midst of the Cultural Revolution, and to a present day auction house in Montreal. The settings are varied and the cinematography is gorgeous.Each story is intercut with a little bit of Jackson in the present day, and as more of the violin's life is revealed, more of Jackson's story is also told.
I LOVED this movie. I personally love foriegn films and always like subtitles since my hearing isnt very good. I always have trouble with accents. I will warn you
there were some pretty racy scenes in the middle of the movie.. even some female nudity. BUT even though they were outright sex scenes they werent tooo raunchy, and they reenforced the idea the affliction of the holder of the violin. I wont go into it to vividly, but there is a scene where this virtuoso is making love to his wife WHILE he plays the violin.. the images were SO sexy without being crude or dirty.
I give this about 4 out of 5 stars.. great movie.. artsy and beautiful with a good plot.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Im going to be an AUNTIE!!!

Im gonna be an AUNTIE!!
OK.. so not officially. My mom and my aunt raised thier kids together, litterally in the same house at times.So,my sister and I and my two cousins Josh and Joe are very close. Just as close as any siblings would be. Joshua is 4 years younger than me and Joe 18 months younger than he.
In my wild days Joshua was my partner in crime, my drinking buddy, and my confidant. He was the first to know that I was pregnant with Caitie andhas always been the one person in my family that understood me the best.
NOW he and his girlfriend are expecting a baby girl in the spring.I cant wait. I have nieces through my husband. But they are older and remember his exwife as thier aunt... I cannot wait to spoil this little girl! YAHOOO!
I am really hoping that my hunny and I will be able to save enough money for me to get to go up to Alaska around the time she will be born.
In other news, the bridal shower went pretty well. The food was good anyway. Tiffany's family is kind of wierd.. they are like jealous little girls. They fight over the spotlight and it was odd. She got some good loot though... makes me wanna get married again just for the loot!
Pretty quiet saturday otherwise. My mom fell a few weeks ago injuring her foot and never did go get it xrayed. Friday she finally did since it was still hurting after weeks of pain.. and unfortunatly it is broken. So we were harassing her abou thaving to wear a "sexy" cast and walk with a walker. Caitie is very worried about this. She gets odd when my parents are sick. It really bothers her and she clings to them.. so she is spending the night there tonight.
thats about it.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Pastafarians and flying spaghetti

What next???
I have a friend that I enjoy battling with over religous issues.. and this is what we have been talking about. I have been highly ammused by reading the many many numerous websites about "Pastafarianism", serving the "Great Spaghetti Monster" and all manner of other nonsense. However it does call one to think deeply about Faith, why we do what we do, who we are and why. In a phrase? I have WAY to much time on my hands. Let me tell you all about it.
In June 2005, Bobby Henderson submitted an open letter to the Kansas Board of Education in response to their scheduling a hearing debating whether to give intelligent design equal time with evolution by natural selection in biology classes.
His postion was that since God, creation and the idea of intelligent design was in his opinion someones idea of the truth,he would submit his personaly created "faith"
nd expect equal classroom time.. he even threatens legal action. Smart smart guy... too bad hes not on MY side huh? Lets hope that our courts have the sense (and the
constitutional backing) to stop it. Here is some of what he "believes".
An invisible and undetectable Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe, starting with a mountain,a tree,and a "midgit". All evidence pointing towards evolution being intentionally planted by this "being".
Global warming, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters are a direct consequence of the decline in numbers of pirates since the 1800s. A graph showing the inverse correlation between the pirates and global temperatures was also provided. This component of the theory highlights the logical fallacy of correlation implying causation.
It is disrespectful to teach their beliefs without wearing "His" chosen outfit, full pirate regalia.
The monster continues to guide human affairs with his "noodly appendage".
Prayers to "Him" are typically ended by "Ramen", instead of "Amen".
Heaven has a stripper factory and a beer volcano.
Every Friday is a religious holiday.
This is an except from the "word of the spaghetti"
"Yes, I have conceived the spirit of our Divine Lord, and immaculately, I might add. He came upon me while I was eating alone at The Olive Garden one evening this past winter--I was having a delicious meatball lasagna, I remember--and suddenly my eyes were filled with light, and the restaurant around me fell away, and there was nothing but His noodly appendage encircling me, caressing me. I cried out in ecstasy, and then I heard His voice in my ear, whispering to me, "In nine months time you shall give birth to a fully-grown midgit in pirate regalia, and He shall save the world from sin and hate and false notions about evolution and Creation."
I heard singing, and tomato sauce rained from the sky, and I saw angel hair pasta flying about with little farfalle wings and playing harps. It was beautiful. "You shall name Him...."Macaroni"...." said the Flying Spaghetti Monster, "and He shall bring in a new era of love and a worldwide following of Pastafarians willing to shed marinara sauce for what they believe."
And His noodly appendage left my trembling, sated body, and the singing faded, and I was once again in The Olive Garden, awaiting the birth of our Savior, Prego, who will deliver us from evil. I paid the check and went home and prayed all night to the Flying Spaghetti Monster. So fear not! If Kansas refuses to include our religion in their science curriculum--imagine, survival of the fittest, ha! it is survival of the noodliest, any devout Pastafarian knows that--Prego shall smite those heathens and burn Kansas for all eternity. Ramen!
Makes you wonder if they think that the recent "carb revolution" had something to do with persecution? ha ha
hope you have a very... noodley.. er BLESSED day ;)
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Diary of a Mad Black Woman Movie review ect

my little man
This is dalton.. he is my little companion. Isnt this picture just toooo cute? I was dying from his cuteness and had to share the love.
Tonights dinner menu- Hamburger Helper Cheesburger Macaroni, red jello with pears in it, collard greens
Diary of a Mad Black Woman- Tyler Perry, Shammar Moore, Kimberly Elise
This movie was just ok... Friends had given it rave reviews... I dont see what the fuss was about? There are a few good scenes.It was passable as friday night entertainment from Netflix, but id have been sad if Id seen it in the theater.
The message was good.. just ok... and I really thought that things got a little bizer after helen threw her husband in the tub. Wierd wierd wierd.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Shower preparation
Tonights Dinner Menu- Tuna Noodle Casserole with Grean Peas, Green salad Cheesy French Bread
I am throwing my friend Tiffany a bridal shower. The guy she is marrying hasnt always been very nice to her.. and I am a little worried about thier future. Along with every one else in her life. But I couldnt stand the thought of her not having a bridal shower.So that will be keeping me very very busy this week. I am doing all of the cooking myself. This is the first time I have done anything like this for people here in SC. In Alaska I was always throwing little parties and threw a shower for my cousin, and several friends when they either had babies or got married... still I cant help feeling a little nervous.
This is my menu
chicken swiss wreaths
artichoke dip with crudite
mexican layer dip with tortilla chips
pina colada cupcakes
chocolate cupcakes
sangria style punch
Im not planning to much as far as games.. just going to have her fiance fill out a questionaire and she has to answer the same questions we asked him, for every question she gets wrong she has to put a piece of gum in her mouth... usually turns out pretty funny.. it did when I did it at my shower. Maybe one more with a prize for the guests.. we'll see if I can think of anything. Anyone have any ideas?
I am throwing my friend Tiffany a bridal shower. The guy she is marrying hasnt always been very nice to her.. and I am a little worried about thier future. Along with every one else in her life. But I couldnt stand the thought of her not having a bridal shower.So that will be keeping me very very busy this week. I am doing all of the cooking myself. This is the first time I have done anything like this for people here in SC. In Alaska I was always throwing little parties and threw a shower for my cousin, and several friends when they either had babies or got married... still I cant help feeling a little nervous.
This is my menu
chicken swiss wreaths
artichoke dip with crudite
mexican layer dip with tortilla chips
pina colada cupcakes
chocolate cupcakes
sangria style punch
Im not planning to much as far as games.. just going to have her fiance fill out a questionaire and she has to answer the same questions we asked him, for every question she gets wrong she has to put a piece of gum in her mouth... usually turns out pretty funny.. it did when I did it at my shower. Maybe one more with a prize for the guests.. we'll see if I can think of anything. Anyone have any ideas?
Sunday, November 06, 2005
weekend news
From now on I will be posting my dinner menu for the day as I usually blog daily... a friend requested this so she could get ideas for her new little family (she is a new wife and soon to be mama congrats Shannon!) I dont find anything I do tooo inventive or exiting, but you asked.. so your wish is my command. If there is an unusual or fun recipe or something I think might need explaining Ill post it separately. :)
Tonights Dinner
Marinated Roasted Chicken, Cheesy corn casserole, tomatoes and rice, green beans.
weekend news
I have discovered what I think may save my relationship with my soon to be teenaged stepdaughter.We have been having clothing "discussions". She is now at an age where clthing designers and labels are begining to matter to her.. I discovered this the other day when I found her clipping the "Wally-world" brand name off of her jeans. When I inquired as to why she was doing this (the fact that she was trying to do this WITH THE JEANS ON HER BODY may have been the reason I noticed her in the first place.. what do you think?)She replied that she didnt want everyone to know she wore "Brand X super saver Jeans"
I inwardly groaned. I am not so old that I dont remember DESPARATLY wanting a pair of purple, stonewashed, tapered "Jordache jeans"... and having to wear "HUSKY GIRL" dark blue, weatern cut jeans from Sears. Jordache just didnt make clothes in "HUSKY" size. Whatsmore, even if they had my mother wouldnt have been dumb enough to spend $60 on a pair of jeans I'd have eaten my way out of in a half hour.
I am sympathetic to her. I probably WOULD buy Lei or whatever brand jeans that she would find more acceptable.. If we could afford it. We live in a much "chunkier" world than we did when I was 11. There are WAY more cute clothes available to the above average sized child. But I dont believe in going into debt to buy school clothes or christmas presents.. and there was no way I could buy them
I have discovered Rugged Wearhouse. They are located in Florence in the same strip mall with Books A Millon. They have brand name seconds... literally every major brand name that youd find at Belk or BC Moores.. just at Wally-world prices! I was tickled pink. For her birthday I bought her a pair of LEI jeans, 2 sweaters, a DKNY top, and a long sleeved polo for (drumroll please!) $30!!! They ARE seconds.. some have flaws or are just an unpopular style. But if you are patient and shop carefully you can get some fantastic deals YAY ME!
AS far as the rest of the weekend it was pretty normal. Met friends for dinner at IHOP. They have a really fantastic salad menu there. I had a spinach club.. very tasty. Chicken strips, bacon, tomato, cucumber,and baby spinach. Before you applaud my healthy food choice I will admit I ate Steven's pancakes. :)
And then we went to chat at Books a Million and swill coffee. Steven tried a Fruit Smoothie and had a "pear" I was very enjoyable (I always eat and drink what he ordered.. we co-eat. It works very well. He eats what I leave and I taste his food to make sure its enjoyable before he tries it)
anywho.. gotta get these kiddos fed and into bed.
another week.... ya stinking hoo
Tonights Dinner
Marinated Roasted Chicken, Cheesy corn casserole, tomatoes and rice, green beans.
weekend news
I have discovered what I think may save my relationship with my soon to be teenaged stepdaughter.We have been having clothing "discussions". She is now at an age where clthing designers and labels are begining to matter to her.. I discovered this the other day when I found her clipping the "Wally-world" brand name off of her jeans. When I inquired as to why she was doing this (the fact that she was trying to do this WITH THE JEANS ON HER BODY may have been the reason I noticed her in the first place.. what do you think?)She replied that she didnt want everyone to know she wore "Brand X super saver Jeans"
I inwardly groaned. I am not so old that I dont remember DESPARATLY wanting a pair of purple, stonewashed, tapered "Jordache jeans"... and having to wear "HUSKY GIRL" dark blue, weatern cut jeans from Sears. Jordache just didnt make clothes in "HUSKY" size. Whatsmore, even if they had my mother wouldnt have been dumb enough to spend $60 on a pair of jeans I'd have eaten my way out of in a half hour.
I am sympathetic to her. I probably WOULD buy Lei or whatever brand jeans that she would find more acceptable.. If we could afford it. We live in a much "chunkier" world than we did when I was 11. There are WAY more cute clothes available to the above average sized child. But I dont believe in going into debt to buy school clothes or christmas presents.. and there was no way I could buy them
I have discovered Rugged Wearhouse. They are located in Florence in the same strip mall with Books A Millon. They have brand name seconds... literally every major brand name that youd find at Belk or BC Moores.. just at Wally-world prices! I was tickled pink. For her birthday I bought her a pair of LEI jeans, 2 sweaters, a DKNY top, and a long sleeved polo for (drumroll please!) $30!!! They ARE seconds.. some have flaws or are just an unpopular style. But if you are patient and shop carefully you can get some fantastic deals YAY ME!
AS far as the rest of the weekend it was pretty normal. Met friends for dinner at IHOP. They have a really fantastic salad menu there. I had a spinach club.. very tasty. Chicken strips, bacon, tomato, cucumber,and baby spinach. Before you applaud my healthy food choice I will admit I ate Steven's pancakes. :)
And then we went to chat at Books a Million and swill coffee. Steven tried a Fruit Smoothie and had a "pear" I was very enjoyable (I always eat and drink what he ordered.. we co-eat. It works very well. He eats what I leave and I taste his food to make sure its enjoyable before he tries it)
anywho.. gotta get these kiddos fed and into bed.
another week.... ya stinking hoo
Friday, November 04, 2005
sticky wings
As promised here is the recipe that I am using for tonights dinner. We love these. I make a big pot of mac and cheese and call them dinner. I made this recipe up when my brother in law made some passably good wings one night...trying to copy KFC honey bbq wings when they stopped carrying them for a while, I knew I could do better... and I did :) It seems like a lot of trouble to fry the wings first and I soppose you could bake them or boil them... but rememeber, a lot of great cooking is about layering flavors. And who doesnt like fried chicken???
Sticky Wings
A whole mess of chicken wings. - "Party Wings" they sell them already separated and frozen individually. They are perfect for this recipe.. sometimes you can catch them on sale for as low as 69 cents a pound like I did yesterday at Blackmon's! I always rinse chicken off after I thaw it.
seasoned salt
garlic salt
black pepper
onion powder
2-3 cups of flour
cooking oil
adjust this to the amount of wings you are making. But dont make them tooo salty! remember youre still adding sauce!
Put your wings in a really big bowl that has a lid. sprinkle with the slats and the pepper. Toss well so they all get some. Sprinkle with the flour. Now, close the lid on the bowl. Shake the bowl really hard (hang on to the dont want to know how hard it is to clean up flour thats been launched all over your kitchen from a loose bowl lid flying off) Really shake it, get out some aggression and really cover those wings with the flour.
refrigerate for at least one hour. I throw them in the fridge midmorning and let em marinate all day.
When you pull the wings out theyll be all gooey in the bowl.. its ok. It makes the breading stick good.
Pour the oil in a big pan, dont be shy. no one said this was a low fat recipe. Heat the pan till a drop of water dripped in sizzles. Drop your wings in a few at a time. Dont do to many because the temperature of the oil needs to stay hot.. otherwise youll have grease-bomb wings and not crispy ones. Fry those babies until they are nice and golden brown.. not to long otherwise theyll get tough in the oven later. Drain well (lay down a layer of newspaper first, then some papertowells... itll really suck up that oil) You can eat em just like this.. its fried chicken, but I take em a step higher in the yummy dimension
Separate into three oven safe pans with decent depth.
I make up my sauces and then put what I dont use into the empty bottle and it keeps for a while...obviously there arent any diabetics in my house.. but if I make it for my dad I'll just buy a sauce that is already honey flavored...he shouldnt have bbq sauce at all. But ya gotta live still.
1 bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce (we like Kraft or Bullseye.. whatevers on sale really)
1/2 cup dark brown sugar
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 cup honey
just mix it all together *hint if you spray your measuring cup with "pam" before you measure the honey itll slide right out of there.
1 bottle terriaki sauce (yoshidas from Sams club is YUMMY)
1 can crushed pineapple juice included
1/2 cup dark brown sugar
just mix it all together in no particular order
1/2 bottle of hot sauce (Frank's has good flavor without torching your tounge)
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter
1 tsp garlic salt
in a sauce pan slowly melt butter on med heat, add the garlic salt and lastly the hot sauce. With a wisk mix until combined... takes a long while and still wont really imulsify...I guess youd need a blender for that, but thats to much trouble.
Pour one sauce over the wings in one pan. Toss really well. Dont want no nekkid wings.
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Bake wings for about 30-45 minutes watching carefully so all that sugar doesnt burn.
Serve the buffalo wings with ranch or bleu cheese dressing.. and a big pile of napkins.
I get major honey points from my husband when I make these!!
Sticky Wings
A whole mess of chicken wings. - "Party Wings" they sell them already separated and frozen individually. They are perfect for this recipe.. sometimes you can catch them on sale for as low as 69 cents a pound like I did yesterday at Blackmon's! I always rinse chicken off after I thaw it.
seasoned salt
garlic salt
black pepper
onion powder
2-3 cups of flour
cooking oil
adjust this to the amount of wings you are making. But dont make them tooo salty! remember youre still adding sauce!
Put your wings in a really big bowl that has a lid. sprinkle with the slats and the pepper. Toss well so they all get some. Sprinkle with the flour. Now, close the lid on the bowl. Shake the bowl really hard (hang on to the dont want to know how hard it is to clean up flour thats been launched all over your kitchen from a loose bowl lid flying off) Really shake it, get out some aggression and really cover those wings with the flour.
refrigerate for at least one hour. I throw them in the fridge midmorning and let em marinate all day.
When you pull the wings out theyll be all gooey in the bowl.. its ok. It makes the breading stick good.
Pour the oil in a big pan, dont be shy. no one said this was a low fat recipe. Heat the pan till a drop of water dripped in sizzles. Drop your wings in a few at a time. Dont do to many because the temperature of the oil needs to stay hot.. otherwise youll have grease-bomb wings and not crispy ones. Fry those babies until they are nice and golden brown.. not to long otherwise theyll get tough in the oven later. Drain well (lay down a layer of newspaper first, then some papertowells... itll really suck up that oil) You can eat em just like this.. its fried chicken, but I take em a step higher in the yummy dimension
Separate into three oven safe pans with decent depth.
I make up my sauces and then put what I dont use into the empty bottle and it keeps for a while...obviously there arent any diabetics in my house.. but if I make it for my dad I'll just buy a sauce that is already honey flavored...he shouldnt have bbq sauce at all. But ya gotta live still.
1 bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce (we like Kraft or Bullseye.. whatevers on sale really)
1/2 cup dark brown sugar
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 cup honey
just mix it all together *hint if you spray your measuring cup with "pam" before you measure the honey itll slide right out of there.
1 bottle terriaki sauce (yoshidas from Sams club is YUMMY)
1 can crushed pineapple juice included
1/2 cup dark brown sugar
just mix it all together in no particular order
1/2 bottle of hot sauce (Frank's has good flavor without torching your tounge)
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter
1 tsp garlic salt
in a sauce pan slowly melt butter on med heat, add the garlic salt and lastly the hot sauce. With a wisk mix until combined... takes a long while and still wont really imulsify...I guess youd need a blender for that, but thats to much trouble.
Pour one sauce over the wings in one pan. Toss really well. Dont want no nekkid wings.
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Bake wings for about 30-45 minutes watching carefully so all that sugar doesnt burn.
Serve the buffalo wings with ranch or bleu cheese dressing.. and a big pile of napkins.
I get major honey points from my husband when I make these!!
the weekend.
Not to much happening today. I am glad its friday though. We are weaning Dalton off of his morning nap.. the kid is almost two. I dont know of one single other baby his age that STILL takes TWO naps a day! Not to mention sleeps through the night.. what a lazy tail! Unfortunatly no morning nap for him makes for a LONG morning. BUT a short afternoon since he sleeps from 12-3.
We dont have a lot planned for the weekend. No adventures (no money for them this week lol )just normal stuff. I am makig bbq chicken wings for dinner tonight (I'll post the recipe) and the last 5th quarter for the youth group is tonight. Im glad to see them ending.. 1 am is late for me anymore. "Overtimes" will be starting soon.. after basketball games, but they are from 8-10 and not so late.
I am planning to scrub my bathroom from top to bottom totally spic and spam (Yes, I know the phrase is "spic and span" but the chic on NCIS said it that way this week and I find it ammusing.) and maybe the walls and windows in my kitchen they are nasty. Steven has to work saturday morning and we'll have to run errands and take the girls to see thier grandparents. I have "I, Robot" and "Diary of a Mad Black Woman" from netflix home this weekend so we can watch movies too.
We are sopposed to meet friends in Florence for dinner on saturday night, but that will depend on whether or not I can manage to convince someone to watch the curtain climbers. Two nights in a row is a lot for mom and dad.. and Steven's parents just dont offer. If I am lucky my cousin Tammy will invite them to spend the night tonight and then Mom and Dad will watch them tonight or vice-versa.
We dont have a lot planned for the weekend. No adventures (no money for them this week lol )just normal stuff. I am makig bbq chicken wings for dinner tonight (I'll post the recipe) and the last 5th quarter for the youth group is tonight. Im glad to see them ending.. 1 am is late for me anymore. "Overtimes" will be starting soon.. after basketball games, but they are from 8-10 and not so late.
I am planning to scrub my bathroom from top to bottom totally spic and spam (Yes, I know the phrase is "spic and span" but the chic on NCIS said it that way this week and I find it ammusing.) and maybe the walls and windows in my kitchen they are nasty. Steven has to work saturday morning and we'll have to run errands and take the girls to see thier grandparents. I have "I, Robot" and "Diary of a Mad Black Woman" from netflix home this weekend so we can watch movies too.
We are sopposed to meet friends in Florence for dinner on saturday night, but that will depend on whether or not I can manage to convince someone to watch the curtain climbers. Two nights in a row is a lot for mom and dad.. and Steven's parents just dont offer. If I am lucky my cousin Tammy will invite them to spend the night tonight and then Mom and Dad will watch them tonight or vice-versa.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Movie review "Finding Neverland"
Now that I have recieved my first netflix movies.. I will be writing little mini-reviews for your reading enjoyment. I know youll be SO glad!
Finding Neverland -Johnny Depp, Kate Winslett, Dustin Hoffman
OOooo this was a good movie. This is the story of the writing of JM Barrie's "Peter Pan". And the love story involved. I dont usually like romances.. sticky gooey ones that is. But this was so well written... and really wasnt so concentrated on the moosh. It folled Mr Barrie and his friendship with 4 boys as they grieve for thier dead father and one magical summer... in the midst of it you know He is falling in love with thier mother, but its so subtle that you are surprised by it in the end.
Johnny Depp is HOT HOT HOT as usual. I love the Scottish accent he puts on in this film.. unfortunatly I just couldnt get Captain Jack Sparrow ( Pirates of the Carribean) out of my head. I kept expecting him to become a corpse or something.
Kate Winslett was gorgeous.. a typical english rose and played a wonderful part.
I did not however like Dustin Hoffman in this role... he played Mr Barrie's benefactor and play producer who had this phantom english accent that came and went at will.. REALLY annoying.
However it wasnt annoying enough to detract from this beutiful movie.
All in all 4 stars!
Finding Neverland -Johnny Depp, Kate Winslett, Dustin Hoffman
OOooo this was a good movie. This is the story of the writing of JM Barrie's "Peter Pan". And the love story involved. I dont usually like romances.. sticky gooey ones that is. But this was so well written... and really wasnt so concentrated on the moosh. It folled Mr Barrie and his friendship with 4 boys as they grieve for thier dead father and one magical summer... in the midst of it you know He is falling in love with thier mother, but its so subtle that you are surprised by it in the end.
Johnny Depp is HOT HOT HOT as usual. I love the Scottish accent he puts on in this film.. unfortunatly I just couldnt get Captain Jack Sparrow ( Pirates of the Carribean) out of my head. I kept expecting him to become a corpse or something.
Kate Winslett was gorgeous.. a typical english rose and played a wonderful part.
I did not however like Dustin Hoffman in this role... he played Mr Barrie's benefactor and play producer who had this phantom english accent that came and went at will.. REALLY annoying.
However it wasnt annoying enough to detract from this beutiful movie.
All in all 4 stars!
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Miss Mildred Found
Oooo I forgot to post.. Miss Mildred was found. Safe and sound.. thank goodness. She was back in the third row this week. Her son took her to see her sister in stinkypoodle georgia or someplace.. as for poor fluffy? No one knows why she left her to fend for herself.
Glad to see that granny is safe and sound though!
Glad to see that granny is safe and sound though!
halloween, conflict, and blogs in general
Halloween was so fun. Caitlin ended up dressing as the most adorable cat.. and Jasmin looked all to grown up as a princess. probably her last year dressing up :( We trick or treated in nearby Latta and then hit all the usual suspects here in Dillon. They got a huge cache of candy and we got to see my brother in law and my nieces wich we havent seen in weeks and weeks. AND my kids finally conqured the big red house... there is a family in town that takes Halloween VERY seriously and decorates and dresses up and their house is SCARY. Creepy music and guys that jump out at you from dark bushes and all. Every year they both begged to go to the house only to chicken out by the time we got out of the car... but no more! This year both girls, while a little knock kneed and shakey.. managed to make it to the door retrieve thier candy and high tale it out of there without bursting into tears. My babies are growing up!
Today after school Im sure the trading will get intense, My cousins little girl (who's parents I am begining to suspect of supplementing the trick or treat candy with store bought... NO one gets THAT much candy) will be here and has promissed much good trade :). Caitlin is still learning the concept of TRADE.. not rape and pilage. Jasmin has been so patient to teach her.. and in my opinion allows herslef to be taken to the bank... either that or she is a terrible trader and will NOT be my shopping buddy in a mexican bazar!
****We interupt your normally scheduled programing for this rant.*****
I have learned FINALLY a very valuable lesson. From this day forward I will NOT argue with Steven in the pressence of my mother. She will every time take his side. No matter what I am wrong. She says she is playing devils advocate? BULL POOOP. Im tired of it. Last night I made potato soup before we left to go trick or treating.. and put vegetables in it. I am aware that my husband does not eat them.. but my children are learning to and need them to be healthy little soldiers. He made some terrible comment about him not eating the soup because it was CRAP... I of course was hurt and angry. It literally took me hours to make it.. between the peeling, the chopping, the frying and the simmering... If he wants to stay home and cook all day LET HIM. My feelings were damaged. I would have been over it very quickly. HOWEVER my mother HAD to make a comment and make ME the bad guy responsible for HIM hurting my feelings. To the effect of "You should know better". Shouldnt she be taking MY side? Arent I her DAUGHTER? He hurt ME. He was mean to ME. I am over the actual situation now.. but the lesson was sharp.
I didnt think Id have to go here.. but here it is. I write this blog as an outlet and as a commentary on my life.MY interpetation of MY life. Kind of like a diary.. only more public. I say what I am feeling and thinking about. I dont feel that I am mean spirited nor do I divulge super private things. I dont name names and I dont list addresses. If you are offended by something I say..Im not sorry. If you dont want to know what I think.. dont read.
*** now back to your regularly scheduled programing.****
According to the website, my first netflix movies should be here either today or in the next few days... Hooray.. maybe this afternoon Ill be watching Finding Neverland or something equally as interesting.. one can only watch the Harry Potter movies so many times.
Today after school Im sure the trading will get intense, My cousins little girl (who's parents I am begining to suspect of supplementing the trick or treat candy with store bought... NO one gets THAT much candy) will be here and has promissed much good trade :). Caitlin is still learning the concept of TRADE.. not rape and pilage. Jasmin has been so patient to teach her.. and in my opinion allows herslef to be taken to the bank... either that or she is a terrible trader and will NOT be my shopping buddy in a mexican bazar!
****We interupt your normally scheduled programing for this rant.*****
I have learned FINALLY a very valuable lesson. From this day forward I will NOT argue with Steven in the pressence of my mother. She will every time take his side. No matter what I am wrong. She says she is playing devils advocate? BULL POOOP. Im tired of it. Last night I made potato soup before we left to go trick or treating.. and put vegetables in it. I am aware that my husband does not eat them.. but my children are learning to and need them to be healthy little soldiers. He made some terrible comment about him not eating the soup because it was CRAP... I of course was hurt and angry. It literally took me hours to make it.. between the peeling, the chopping, the frying and the simmering... If he wants to stay home and cook all day LET HIM. My feelings were damaged. I would have been over it very quickly. HOWEVER my mother HAD to make a comment and make ME the bad guy responsible for HIM hurting my feelings. To the effect of "You should know better". Shouldnt she be taking MY side? Arent I her DAUGHTER? He hurt ME. He was mean to ME. I am over the actual situation now.. but the lesson was sharp.
I didnt think Id have to go here.. but here it is. I write this blog as an outlet and as a commentary on my life.MY interpetation of MY life. Kind of like a diary.. only more public. I say what I am feeling and thinking about. I dont feel that I am mean spirited nor do I divulge super private things. I dont name names and I dont list addresses. If you are offended by something I say..Im not sorry. If you dont want to know what I think.. dont read.
*** now back to your regularly scheduled programing.****
According to the website, my first netflix movies should be here either today or in the next few days... Hooray.. maybe this afternoon Ill be watching Finding Neverland or something equally as interesting.. one can only watch the Harry Potter movies so many times.
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