Saturday, December 03, 2005

Im chanelling Martha

"It's a Good Thing"

I have an idea for a business. I think it would work too.. in a bigger city, where more people had a brain... and some money. I got it while helping my Mom decorate and bake for Christmas since her foot is broken and she needs to be off of it.

Here is how it would work.. busy people would pay me to be thier assistant for a day. Want Granny's cookies at christmas time but your to busy to make them? Give me your recipe and I'll make them. Want your house to look like Martha lives there but you have to work all day? Give me a key and I'll come and decorate for you. Having a party and you need some help? Call me. I'll come and make it all pretty, and no one will know!

It'd be like the idea of hiring a personal assistant, but for only a day or an event.
God Im a genius. Now if only I lived in a big city! Id be rich.. or at least not in debt.

Anyway. Today we took the kids to the Lake View Christmas thingee.. they performed and did pretty good. The sound system (wich consisted of one of the Dads backing his Jeep up to the stage and opening the hatchback) wasnt great, But the kids in thier cowboy hats were adorable. Afterward we bought a litle present and went to visit Jasmin's great grandmother in the nursing home there in Lake View. I get my gold star for the week since this is Jaime's (steven's ex) Grandma. She is a sweet lady that is VERY lonely. SO I dont mind visiting her when we can. She was tickled to pieces with the little angel we brought and with seeing Jasmin.

Now, I am baking cookies for my mom to send to my sister in Alaska. I also finished decorating her house and cleaned up around here too.. laundry for sure!

anywho I am boiling chicken for some chicken bog, so I better go pick it.


Brian Rhodes said...

Yummm, love the bog!!!!

Michele said...

IM surprised they dont have chickin' bog in KY. Basically its just chicken and rice with sausage in it... but there is magic that happens. I'll post my recipe for you.

Im sorry about Darrell.. it'll work out. He was hit in the head, and his is exceptionally hard, so we know he'll be fine. Im sure it's very hard to be so far away. But there isnt much you could do for him.. he just needs rest. If you were here he'd try and be charming and try to entertain you.