Monday, December 12, 2005

The Chronicles of Narnia

"When Adam's flesh and Adam's bone
Sits at Cair Paravel in throne,
the evil time will be over and done."

This weekend we took our girls to see "The Chronicles of Narnia" Steven's mom works for the company in town that owns our teeny little lame movie theatre.. so we can go for free, as long as we dont abuse it.
I have to say, this was possibly the best movie I have seen in a LONG LONG time. I was actually moved.. because I have read the stories since I was about 10? Because I recognize the allegorical themes? Probably a little of both.. and because of the amazing beauty of the film. It truly was very entertaining and moving. I cried.

I wish I could have had a picture of Thing 2 watching this film.. Her eyes were like saucers and she barely breathed... and amazingly as we discussed it afterward it was she who pointed out the biblical parallels. She understood the connection and was able to compare it perfectly... "Mommy", she said ' You know that boy was naughty,and aslan gave his life for him. Isnt that kind of like Jesus?" she is FIVE.

I was so proud.

Thing 1 was more caught up in the filmatic aspects and watching the effects. She loved the creatures and the fantasy. She kept pointing out that Peter was riding a unicorn. (and indeed he was.. amazing effects)

the first FIVE stars movie I have seen in some time.

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