Thursday, December 29, 2005

The Best Babysitter on the Planet

The best babysitter on the planet


I wish that when you saw that caption that you'd see my picture. But alas and alack.. it is not so. I am not the babysitter that I once was. I used to bring toys and games and make cookies with my charges. I used to be in HIGH demand. When I was a teenager I babysat every single weekend and school holiday. I had preferd clients and gave them heads-up when a new family was calling me.

Then I had my own kids. Now I just add one more plate of hotdogs. I tell the kids to scot over so one more can see the tv.. or I scream from the kitchen to quit fighting and stop the banging.

I am a mom.. not unlike my mom. On our holidays we had 6 in the house. Every time. Michele, Tracy, Tina, Josh, Joe, and Melissa. And usually my best friend Elizabeth and maybe a neighbor kid or two. I really wonder how she did it without needing a strong drink.. or at least a bubblebath. I dont remember what she used to do while we all played.. maybe what I do now.. I dunno

All the tv shows are on vacation. I am going Crazy. Re-runs. everything, Ellen Degerners, Martha Stewart... all re-runs. BLAH. I just realized that the day they all come back is ALSO the day the kids go back to school. halalujah. That will be a good day.

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