So, I am sitting here in quiet contemplation. The kids are farmed out.. Jasmin spent the night with my cousin and her kid.. and Caitie had to "take care of Nana's cold". Steven is selling fireworks for his Mother's company again today. He worked 3 10 hour days this week.. and likely to have an even longer day today. Hopefully he'll be home to ring in the New Year with me. :(
Anyway, back to quiet comtemplation. I, of course today, am thinking about the past year, and looking toward the new one. Most people do this in one way or another on new years eve.. so I am not alone.. just read my blogroll.
The past.
2005 all in all has been a decent year for us. I am so thankful
We have all been remarkably healthy. Steven did ave a quick run of pneumonia in January, but he had insurance, and sick days to use. So it wasnt traumatic. The girls havent had much to speak of. Caitie had pink eye once, and her tonsils out, oral surgery and one cold... believe me when I say.. for her? Thats remarkably good. Jasmin had a cold. And I had a quick one.. but nothing more.
We lost Steven's Aunt Mary, and Uncle John. But no one else. This year saw Steven's brother survive rare cancer. Today he is cancer free. I have family members who are growing old and I fear for them in 2006, but in 2005, all of our loved ones were safe.
We have a home. There are so many who lost thiers this year. The tragedy of the tsunami in Asia, and the awful losses from hurricane katrina make me so thankful for what we have... even if the floor is weak, the bathtub drains unexplicably slowly and youd better not turn on the ceiling fan in the livingroom.. it has a short. Every time I think about how I hate this tiny little trailer.. or the walls feel like they are closing in on me. I remind myself. "I did not have a 20 ft wall of water crash through my house this year".
We have a car. It has character. You have to try several times before it actually starts. The doors squeak so loudly that they can be heard through closed doors. (Steven calls them his "alarm system") But it runs. It is paid for.
We did lose Steven's job this year. It has been a devastating loss. I am a stay at home mom. So we went from one decent income to practically nothing in a split second. But, we are safe. Steven was not denied nor penalized in his unemployment. More important to Steven, the state could not find him at fault. Even they agree that is was nepotism and not poor work that caused his termination. So our bills are paid. We have food stamps and medicaid, and we did get a tiny bit behind to my Dad in the three weeks that we were without income. But its ok. He understands. And Tax refund checks will be on thier way very soon.
2006 the future
I love looking ahead to a clean slate. Knowing that there are mistakes that will be made is not frightening. I dont make "resolutions" setting myself up to feel inadequate from the start isnt such a good idea. I make goals.
This is the plan
This year I want to connect better with my kids. Stop the screaming and make better choices about discipline. Create teaching moments instead of spankings. I want to be more patient.
This year I want to be more healthy in my relationship with Jasmin's Mother. I need to deal with my issues of insecurity and let go of the past. I need to channel my dislike for her into helping Jasmin deal with what her mother has done to her. I need to remember that if it does not benefit Jasmin.. I should not say it.
This year I want to be more aware of my eating habits and to make excercize a priority for ALL of us.
This year I want to "harden" my shell when it comes to my Mother. To allow comments she makes about my child rearing to roll off my shoulders. To not allow myself to be hurt or annoyed when her opinion doesnt match with mine. I want to be less quick to jump and quicker to listen and then react.
Then there are set in stone resolutions that Im begining as new habits.. remember it takes 21 days to set a habit. Do it 21 days in a row and its yours
1. limit eating out to ONCE a week.
2. eliminate all regular soda. Drink only diet.
3. Drink 8 glasses of water a day.. thats three 16 oz water bottles.
4. take at least 15 minutes of time for ME a day. Even if it means getting up 15 mintes early
5. no more pajamas all day. get dressed. do my hair and make up, even wear shoes. We are not a hermit.
6. Read through the bible. If Marie McDowell can do it. I can
So there you have it. My thoughts and goals.. nothing remarkable. Just me trying to do better. Really, thats all anyone needs to do. Make this year better than the last, by just trying to do things better. ;)
Happy New Year.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005
The Best Babysitter on the Planet

The best babysitter on the planet
I wish that when you saw that caption that you'd see my picture. But alas and alack.. it is not so. I am not the babysitter that I once was. I used to bring toys and games and make cookies with my charges. I used to be in HIGH demand. When I was a teenager I babysat every single weekend and school holiday. I had preferd clients and gave them heads-up when a new family was calling me.
Then I had my own kids. Now I just add one more plate of hotdogs. I tell the kids to scot over so one more can see the tv.. or I scream from the kitchen to quit fighting and stop the banging.
I am a mom.. not unlike my mom. On our holidays we had 6 in the house. Every time. Michele, Tracy, Tina, Josh, Joe, and Melissa. And usually my best friend Elizabeth and maybe a neighbor kid or two. I really wonder how she did it without needing a strong drink.. or at least a bubblebath. I dont remember what she used to do while we all played.. maybe what I do now.. I dunno
All the tv shows are on vacation. I am going Crazy. Re-runs. everything, Ellen Degerners, Martha Stewart... all re-runs. BLAH. I just realized that the day they all come back is ALSO the day the kids go back to school. halalujah. That will be a good day.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
official BTS countdown

a whole bunch o youngins
We are officially at T-minus 11 days and counting to BTS. All systems are go.
BTS... thats BACK TO SCHOOL. I am in near meltdown status. The picture above is a decent shot of the children that I am keeping during the winter vacation this year... give or take a child every day. I never know who I may or may not have on any given day. I feel like a drop in laundry... "Do you starch?" No, and furthermore, I cannot promise that your child will survive the day without being bitten, scratched or annoyed. They are likely to spend time in the dreaded "time out chair" and I also will not vouch for the nutrition of the meals they will eat. (we've either had hot dogs or pizza for lunch every single day)There will NOT be crafts, activities, or field trips. (Unless you count the four that I took to walmart yesterday to return some pants Caitlin got that didnt have a button) I realize that this is not an enriching environment.. but what do you want for $10 a day?
heard at my house in the last 5 hours
"STEE nite nite?" (translation? Is steven still asleep?)
"Can we watch Princess diaries 2 AGAIN?"
"Stee nite nite?" (Again Is Steven still asleep?)
"Is it lunch time yet?"
"Stee sh-ow?" (translation? Is Steven in the shower?)
"Is it lunch time yet, and if its not lunch time yet can we watch Princess Diaries 2 again?"
"Stee bye bye?" (translation? Did Steven LEAVE Michele alone with all these kids?)
"Can we watch Princes Daires 2 AGAIN?"
get ready for it
"well then can we watch Princess Diaries 2 again?
Sunday, December 25, 2005
God Bless Us Every One

thank god its over
This is a picture of my dad... ha ha huh? It made ME laugh anyway.
We had a wonderful christmas. The girls got a haul as usual. Things were tight as far as steven and I .. but I did manage to sneak in a wireless keyboard and mouse for our PC. Kind of a gift for both of us. Hopefully all the checks will clear :) (Just kidding) I keep telling myself its just money... we'll make some more. I didnt worry about it to much since our anniversary is coming up. We always try to get away just a little and spend some time just us, even if its just to the beach. I cant wait, we need a break.
I got the cool Magic bullet blender from tv from my parents. I tried it out and it works pretty good. Made a good smoothie... if I were the drinking kind.. wich I am not (any more) Id be making Vodka slushes and pina coladas right now. After next week with all 6 kids present... I may be the drinking kind again. I'll keep you posted. I want to watch the TV informercial again so I can get neato ideas to use it for. I also got a pancake griddle and some pampered chef spatulas.. I like to cook, are you catching the theme there?
We missed my sister all day long,I kept wondering what she was doing and if she was missing us as much.She spent the day with our Aunt and cousins. So I knew she was in good hands.I did well and didnt cry all day until after dinner and I was thinking how fun it would be to play a game or something, and then realizing that there wasnt enough people without Tina. I did well to hide it from Mom though, and pretended I was sleeping. :(
Steven had to spend some time helping a friend by running the fireworks stand at his job for him.. they will pay him some for it, so that will be nice. Although things arent as desperate as they were before the unemployment insurance kicked in. So we ate dinner wth out him.
The kids played with my parents and thier new toys. And Jasmin's egg donor mother showed her face. I wont bore you with my rantings about her again.. it's getting old, even for me. Im tired of hating her. Its more effort than she is worth. She did get Jasmin a cute outfit and an MP3 player. Although I think we will return that and let jas pick out something she can use. She already has a PSP that can do that, and the MP3 player seems lame beside that.
This afternoon we got busy and took down the decorations. We decorate so early that by Christmas day, I am more than ready to get the clutter put away and have a clean house to start the new year with. Steven thinks its a little scrooge-ish to want to take the tree down so fast. But with such a small place I need to be as clutter free as possible.
This week I will start at one end of the place and clean forward. I got the livingroom tackled mostly today. Ill have Steven reprganize the cds and dvds and I'll do some bigtime dusting. If I get REALLY ambitious we'll clean the livingroom rug with my Dad's steamer.. but with so many kiddos running in and out it may have to wait till later in the spring. If he is home we'll probably work on the yard some and even wash some windows. If I can talk Dad into getting his pressure washer fired up that is...Im not into a ladder and some windex thank you very much.
Its making me tired just thinking about it... off to bed.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
i aint afriad of no food stamps

yay for south carolina food stamps
Thank god. South Carolina DSS finally came through with some food stamps. Some people might be ashamed to need some help.. but I figure, that's why it's there. I mean the REAL reason why it's there. To give a helping hand to a hard working family, that has had something lame happen... not to finance steak dinners for crack ho's in trailer parks. Id been fighting DSS to get everything taken care of.. they need everything from check stubbs to blood samples (not really.. but practically) But this morning when I checked my available balance it read. " A whole bunch of free money for food!"
So as soon as the tricycle motors were off to school we bundled up Dalton and went to Bi-lo. Somehow THIS kind of grocery shopping is funner than the other kind... I mean where you have to worry about having enough money to also pay the rent and get gas for bessie (our car).All you have to think about is making the green card stretch through the month. fun stuff.
I also found myself buying things I dont usually make allowances for... for example
a fresh pineapple- steven loves them.. but at $5 a pop I dont usually indulge him.
lemons- I love fresh lemon in my tea, iced and hot. but again.. a want not a need.
name brand chips- I know its basically the same thing.. but there is a HUGE price difference... but today? actual Doritos and Cape cod Kettle chips
Rye Bread- I dont like wonderbread.. or merita or whatever the gross stuffs name brand is here. GROSS!!! And since I am the only one who feels this way.. I usually dont eat sandwiches. But mmmm mmmm I had a turkey and swiss on rye bread for lunch today.. it was nearly heaven.
Im sorry Brian if there is to much food in this post.. but I was just so exited about having a full fridge and having so many options when it comes to cooking dinner tonight... wich by the way will be fettucini alfredo,salad, and french bread.
Monday, December 19, 2005
ho ho ho
Steven's stupid annoying low life scum waste of cellulite and skin ex wife came to Jasmin's Church contata this weekend.
I know, I know, You are thinking "wow, tell us how you really feel"
What the most awful thing about it all is, She hasnt seen Jasmin since JUNE. nearly 6 months. And then she only came for a few minutes. Saw the play and left before even talking to jasmin.(I saw her in the foyer and she screams across the hall "Tell my baybeee I love her" The only time the southern accent makes me want to hurl is when I hear it off her lips) No hugs, kisses... nothing. Jasmin played it off.. But it made me want to cry. Actually it made me want to kick her greasy headed, non childsupport paying butt. I could feel the MAMA rising in my thoat the whole evening, just knowing she was there and that Id promised not to call the sherrifs dept (there is a warrent for her.. she owes us over $5000 in back CS) I wanted to whack her with my pocketbook and scream at her..
"No!!!! I will NOT tell MY BABY... the baby you only borned from your nasty body that you love her.. BECAUSE IT IS A LIE."
But Im trying to be a christian. When I say that, I mean that I am a christian.. but I am trying to actually emulate christ. But even he got mad.. especially in defense of innocents.. BAH. its hard to do whats right.
In other news.. the kids did a fantastic job on the play. My girls were so pretty, and Jasmin did a fantastic job on her dramas and caitie was perfect.. looked like an angel. They were so pretty it made my heart hurt.
Today I made gingerbread men.. they are so cute. They started out with little faces, but they looked a little deranged. Little little brown freak men with red eyes and smeary smirks. So I licked...err wiped off the faces and made them faceless little brown freaks..
Id post pictures. but I promised Brian no more food pictures.
I know, I know, You are thinking "wow, tell us how you really feel"
What the most awful thing about it all is, She hasnt seen Jasmin since JUNE. nearly 6 months. And then she only came for a few minutes. Saw the play and left before even talking to jasmin.(I saw her in the foyer and she screams across the hall "Tell my baybeee I love her" The only time the southern accent makes me want to hurl is when I hear it off her lips) No hugs, kisses... nothing. Jasmin played it off.. But it made me want to cry. Actually it made me want to kick her greasy headed, non childsupport paying butt. I could feel the MAMA rising in my thoat the whole evening, just knowing she was there and that Id promised not to call the sherrifs dept (there is a warrent for her.. she owes us over $5000 in back CS) I wanted to whack her with my pocketbook and scream at her..
"No!!!! I will NOT tell MY BABY... the baby you only borned from your nasty body that you love her.. BECAUSE IT IS A LIE."
But Im trying to be a christian. When I say that, I mean that I am a christian.. but I am trying to actually emulate christ. But even he got mad.. especially in defense of innocents.. BAH. its hard to do whats right.
In other news.. the kids did a fantastic job on the play. My girls were so pretty, and Jasmin did a fantastic job on her dramas and caitie was perfect.. looked like an angel. They were so pretty it made my heart hurt.
Today I made gingerbread men.. they are so cute. They started out with little faces, but they looked a little deranged. Little little brown freak men with red eyes and smeary smirks. So I licked...err wiped off the faces and made them faceless little brown freaks..
Id post pictures. but I promised Brian no more food pictures.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
more baking

lemon white chocolate cashew cookies
This recipe kicks so many kinds of butt I cant even tell you... OMG it is SO yummy. It has everything in it that I love.. lemon, chocolate... cookie... mmmmm mmmmmmm
Lemon White Chocolate Nut Cookies
1 1/2 cups flour
3/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup white sugar
1 large egg
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 cups white chocolate chips
1 cup chopped cashews
1/2 cup cashew halves
1 tsp lemon zest
preheat oven to 375
cream butter and sugars
sift together dry ingredients
add agg and lemon juice
slowly add dry ingredients
add lemon zest, chocolate, and nuts
drop by spoonfuls onto greased cookie sheet. Bake 7 minutes or until golden brown.
Steven's Seven Things
Noramlly I wouldnt post emails from Steven.. but this made me smile. So here you go.
Seven Books I love:
Tony Stewart, In the Fast Lane
Chyna Biography
Lita Biography
Harry Potter
Hardy Boy Mysteries
Lowrider Magazine
Romeo & Juliet
Seven Movies I like:
Biker Boys
Friday Series
Harry Potter
Fast & Furious
Seven things I say most often:
I'm hungry
You wantto
Jasmin, bring me something to drink
Dalton pick up the cookies
It's hot
Who put the butterball turkey in the bed with us! (LOL)
Seven Things Sexy about my mate:
Her Beautiful Smile
The way that she has taken Jasmin as her own
How she likes to take bubble baths
The way she cooks things even though she doesnt care for them
The way she pulls her covers up and snuggles in the bed while she is sleeping
Her eyes
The way she reads all the time
Seven Things I can (will) not do
Consturction work
Clean fish
Cook with out messing up alot of dishes
I will let u know when i find the rest
Seven Guilty Pleasures
Maccaroni and cheese
LowRider Magazine
Sneaking "treats into the buggy when Michele grocery shops
text twist on YAHOO
Seven Things to do before i die:
Go to Alaska with Michele
Take a cruise
Go to Disney world as many times as possible
Travel over seas
Put my girls thru college
Have a Corvette
Make sure Michele has all she wants and needs
Seven Books I love:
Tony Stewart, In the Fast Lane
Chyna Biography
Lita Biography
Harry Potter
Hardy Boy Mysteries
Lowrider Magazine
Romeo & Juliet
Seven Movies I like:
Biker Boys
Friday Series
Harry Potter
Fast & Furious
Seven things I say most often:
I'm hungry
You wantto
Jasmin, bring me something to drink
Dalton pick up the cookies
It's hot
Who put the butterball turkey in the bed with us! (LOL)
Seven Things Sexy about my mate:
Her Beautiful Smile
The way that she has taken Jasmin as her own
How she likes to take bubble baths
The way she cooks things even though she doesnt care for them
The way she pulls her covers up and snuggles in the bed while she is sleeping
Her eyes
The way she reads all the time
Seven Things I can (will) not do
Consturction work
Clean fish
Cook with out messing up alot of dishes
I will let u know when i find the rest
Seven Guilty Pleasures
Maccaroni and cheese
LowRider Magazine
Sneaking "treats into the buggy when Michele grocery shops
text twist on YAHOO
Seven Things to do before i die:
Go to Alaska with Michele
Take a cruise
Go to Disney world as many times as possible
Travel over seas
Put my girls thru college
Have a Corvette
Make sure Michele has all she wants and needs
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Seven Things

Our kids walk all over us.
The picture is just random funny.. but the following is something I saw on someone elses blog and thought it was fun.. if you read mine you gotta leave yours.
Seven Things
Seven Books I Love
1. "The Grapes of Wrath" Stienbeck
2. "Belladonna" Karen Moline
3. "The Belgariad" David Eddings
4. "The Little House Books" Laura Ingalls Wilder
5. "The Joy of Cooking" Various
6. "The Chronicles of Narnia" CS Lewis
7. "I know Why The Caged Bird Sings"
Seven Movies I Love
1. "My Life"
2. "The American President"
3. "Lilo and Stitch"
4. "For the Boys"
5. "Anne of Green Gables Series"
6. "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"
7. "Breakfast at Tiffany's"
Seven Things I Say Most Often
1. "Umm how 'bout No?"
3. "No way Jose"
4. "You think?"
5. "Stupidhead"
6. "Dalton, we dont BITE!!!"
7. "hieneee!"
Seven Things Sexy About My Mate
1. Black hair, blue eyes. enough said
2. he lets me sleep in two days a week
3. he ignores me when I say nasty things under my breath about his ex and/or mother
4. He loves my daughter like his own.
6. he calls me "beautiful" every single day
7. he means it
Seven Things I can (will) not do
1. touch cornstarch
2. buy my children cell phones
3. eat "chitlings"
4. run unless something ugly is chasing me
5. wear spandex
6. learn a foriegn language
7. name a baby something outlandish
Seven Guilty Pleasures
1. Pork rinds
2. Martha Stewart
3. Italian musicians (DEAN MARTIN)
4. Bubble baths
5. Disney World
6. Almond lattes
7. Smoked salmon and cream cheese on bagels
Seven Things to do before I die
1. Travel to Morroco
2. trace my geneology
3. take my kids camping in Alaska
4. get my drivers license back
5. get the Gold level romantic Animal Lodge Disney vacation for a week with Steven
6. lose 150 lbs
7. see the autumn colors in new england
Monday, December 12, 2005
The Chronicles of Narnia

"When Adam's flesh and Adam's bone
Sits at Cair Paravel in throne,
the evil time will be over and done."
This weekend we took our girls to see "The Chronicles of Narnia" Steven's mom works for the company in town that owns our teeny little lame movie theatre.. so we can go for free, as long as we dont abuse it.
I have to say, this was possibly the best movie I have seen in a LONG LONG time. I was actually moved.. because I have read the stories since I was about 10? Because I recognize the allegorical themes? Probably a little of both.. and because of the amazing beauty of the film. It truly was very entertaining and moving. I cried.
I wish I could have had a picture of Thing 2 watching this film.. Her eyes were like saucers and she barely breathed... and amazingly as we discussed it afterward it was she who pointed out the biblical parallels. She understood the connection and was able to compare it perfectly... "Mommy", she said ' You know that boy was naughty,and aslan gave his life for him. Isnt that kind of like Jesus?" she is FIVE.
I was so proud.
Thing 1 was more caught up in the filmatic aspects and watching the effects. She loved the creatures and the fantasy. She kept pointing out that Peter was riding a unicorn. (and indeed he was.. amazing effects)
the first FIVE stars movie I have seen in some time.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Saturday, December 10, 2005
You are cordially invited to come see me sing in a scarf...

Sunday December 11,2005 6:00 pm
Dillon Church of God
I will however be wearing more than a scarf.. so those of you who were very exited for a moment, I apologize.
Seriously though, you are invited. The choir department in our church has been working very very hard, and after our rehersal today I am sure it will be a very moving and entertaining evening.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
"Chicken Blog" recipe

here chicken chicken chicken...
here is my recipe for Chicken Bog... I have only recently discovered that it is a local dish. I had no idea that only South Carolinians eat chicken bog. Everyone around here has thier own idea of what chicken bog should taste like.. here is mine
Chicken Bog Recipe
1 large chicken- removed as much skin as you can
1 large onion WHOLE. skin removed .
1 large pack of "yellow rice" its seasoned rice.
2 cups of long grain white rice
1 tsp garlic salt
1 tsp seasoned salt
1/4 tsp celery salt
1 TBSP black pepper (adjust to taste...we like a lot)
1 lb sausage ( I use hilshire farms kielbasa)cut into bitesize pieces
In your biggest stock pot place the chicken,the onion, the seasonings, and enough water to completely cover the chicken. Boil that sucker until its falling off the bones.. remember to add water as it evaporates. Remove the chicken and the onion (you can throw the onion out), DO NOT throw out the broth. Put the lid on the pot and refrigerate. Allow the broth to cool and the fat to glob up on the surface. Remove as much fat as you can.. You dont want greasy bog.Meanwhile remove the chicken from the bones and shred into manageable pieces.We call this "pickin the chickin".
Measure out 8 cups of chicken broth and bring to a boil. Add the yellow rice pack and the white rice. Allow to boil for 10 minutes. Add the shredded chicken and the sausage. Lower the heat and simmer until the rice is done.. It will have kind of a "gummy" texture.
Round here chicken bog is served with canned green beans, white bread and apple sauce, fried cornbread and black eyed peas. Sweet tea and 15 layer chocolate cake are not optional.
Monday, December 05, 2005
back in the saddle again

4 dozen cookies to send to Alaska
I am back in the Yule Tide saddle so to speak. I havent been much in the mood since Steven's sudden unemployment. But I am making myself get over it and act semi-normal (as normal as I can act anyway) Today I found an all Christmas all the time radio station (92.1 FM for those of you in this area) and baked 4 dozen cutout sugar cookies. Some to send to Alaska and our far away family (my baby sister and one of my favorite Aunts and her boys..and my coming niece.!)
I will add frosting to them later tonight.. and probably half of the day tommorow. I dont do fancy decorations, but they'll taste yummy...
This sunday is our choir's Christmas Contata "The Chirstmas Shoes" We had our first run through yesterday. It was a little scary. I admire our music director for his courage... and for his faith in us. The music part is going pretty well... we sound passable, but the logistics part is frightening. It was amusing yesterday to watch people who have little to no theatical experience try to understand why we were trucking in and out of the sanctuary. I'm sure that in the end everything will be ok... but its amusing nonetheless.
I have a friend who works at a hotel in Myrtle Beach as a night auditor. I am not aware of all of the details but sometime Saturday night some people came in and beat them with a pipe. My friend survived, but was left with some head damage. Can you say ouch? The carnage was caught on survellience video, so hopefully that will help the police catch them. If it were you, would you be able to go back to your job on third shift? I dunno.. although Id be scared scared scared. The job market is soooo bad, Id be more afraid of being unemployed... oh wait we ARE unemployed. I cant decide what is more scary!
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Im chanelling Martha

"It's a Good Thing"
I have an idea for a business. I think it would work too.. in a bigger city, where more people had a brain... and some money. I got it while helping my Mom decorate and bake for Christmas since her foot is broken and she needs to be off of it.
Here is how it would work.. busy people would pay me to be thier assistant for a day. Want Granny's cookies at christmas time but your to busy to make them? Give me your recipe and I'll make them. Want your house to look like Martha lives there but you have to work all day? Give me a key and I'll come and decorate for you. Having a party and you need some help? Call me. I'll come and make it all pretty, and no one will know!
It'd be like the idea of hiring a personal assistant, but for only a day or an event.
God Im a genius. Now if only I lived in a big city! Id be rich.. or at least not in debt.
Anyway. Today we took the kids to the Lake View Christmas thingee.. they performed and did pretty good. The sound system (wich consisted of one of the Dads backing his Jeep up to the stage and opening the hatchback) wasnt great, But the kids in thier cowboy hats were adorable. Afterward we bought a litle present and went to visit Jasmin's great grandmother in the nursing home there in Lake View. I get my gold star for the week since this is Jaime's (steven's ex) Grandma. She is a sweet lady that is VERY lonely. SO I dont mind visiting her when we can. She was tickled to pieces with the little angel we brought and with seeing Jasmin.
Now, I am baking cookies for my mom to send to my sister in Alaska. I also finished decorating her house and cleaned up around here too.. laundry for sure!
anywho I am boiling chicken for some chicken bog, so I better go pick it.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Another Friday Nite....

Can people who dont have a job feed thier kids fast food for dinner? Even if its a friday night and its been the longest week in history? I think I am entitled to a little finger lickin chickin. Without having to cook it at all. So we did. To heck with the light bill... actually not, but it would be fun if we could huh?
We also took the kids to the parade in Latta. That's two parades in as many days. Dalton is going to think that people should walk down the street waving all the time. It was kinda fun. Definatly colder today than yesterday though. I did see these people that I used to work for. I kept thier kids one wierd disjointed summer. She was on maternity leave and they were home on and off, Its odd to babysit when the parents are at home. Anywho, my point is, when she had her baby I crocheted this awesome tommy the train blanket for the baby. AND he was wrapped in it when I saw them.. AND she says he carries it everywhere! Somehow that made me feel good... that the gift I made is a cherished item :)
Tommorow the girls are performing at Lake View's Christmas on the Blvd. It should be pretty darn cute. They are wearing cowboy hats (wich I had to look in three stores for) and jeans and doing this little country song. I cant wait.
So anywho.. I am going to make cocoa and help the kids decorate my mom's xmas tree. I might even fill up thier big garden tub and use my portable hot tub wanna be thingee. Steven calls it a "chicken in a pot" because you look like a boiling chicken. Maybe the hot water will help relax me... if not I always have all those pain killers I got from the ER.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
"Please Sir, Could I have some more?"
And the thunder rolls. I dont want to be a downer on anyone's holiday cheer... but things are sucking pretty bad around here.
Yesterday Steven and I went around and did all the "things" you do when you get totally sacked from a really decent job for no good reason. We sat in a creepy smokey unemployment office with all these wierd jobless people. FOR 3 HOURS! I had Dalton with me and I was afraid to put him down in fear he would contract... somthing gross.
We had planned to go to DSS and beg for some foodstamps, but by the time we got out of hell.. er the unemployment office they had begun thier daily afternoon siesta over there (Who, besides government workers gets a 2 hour lunch?) And Dalton was THROUGH with waiting in creepy humiliating offices.
So we took the boy home and let HIM enjoy HIS siesta. THEN THIS
I have been having some wierd girly problems. I wont go into detail for the sake of our male readers.. but I'll tell you something was/is not right. You know when you think to yourself. "Self, this cant be good."? I was there. I had been in pretty considerable pain since early monday.. and then the boobs over at Blanton decided to screw with my life and I decided to ignore it, and frankly I'd been doing a darn fine job of it. But yesterday afternoon things got REALLY odd.. and very painful when I bent over to pick up legos (Its my constant job, at any given time you could walk into my livingroom and find large duplo legos. At least one or two.) I got a shooting pain in my middle and it would not go away. It settled to a nasty achey thing...radiating from my middle and wandering around to my lower back and scooting down my left leg. but didnt get better.
By the time we got back from the teen wrangling rodeo (steven and I do security for our Youth ministry at church, and they are honestly like herding cows.. they wander from the herd and get lost in pairs in dark alleys) I was miserable. So miserable in fact I was willing to allow Steven to take me to the ER.. with (GASP!) no health insurance.
We went to Mcleod Regional in Florence. Frankly, the ER in Dillon scares the bejesus out of me.They cant be trusted.. whatsmore the wait was like 4 hours JUST TO BE TRIAGED! We didnt have to wait that long at Mcleod florence, Thank goodness. So anyway. Details aside I have a cyst on my left ovary and it is likey to disolve on its own in a few days. They loaded me up with pain killers (yay for percoset and valium!) and sent me on my merry way... at nearly 4 am.
I will tell one funny story though. I was laying in a puddle (not literaly, just feeling like one) on a very comfortable bed wrapped in warmed blankets and sipping my crushed ice and apple juice. I had been given some wonderful earth moving shot that was taking away all the pain AND helping to disvole my cyst. When the nurse came in and told me. "Dr HYMEN will be in to give you a pelvic exam in just a minute." She didnt even blink. I asked DR HYMEN? I snorted apple juice. If you dont understand why this is so funny, email me privately and I will explain it to you.
anyway, feeling much better today.. but I wonder.. what else?
Yesterday Steven and I went around and did all the "things" you do when you get totally sacked from a really decent job for no good reason. We sat in a creepy smokey unemployment office with all these wierd jobless people. FOR 3 HOURS! I had Dalton with me and I was afraid to put him down in fear he would contract... somthing gross.
We had planned to go to DSS and beg for some foodstamps, but by the time we got out of hell.. er the unemployment office they had begun thier daily afternoon siesta over there (Who, besides government workers gets a 2 hour lunch?) And Dalton was THROUGH with waiting in creepy humiliating offices.
So we took the boy home and let HIM enjoy HIS siesta. THEN THIS
I have been having some wierd girly problems. I wont go into detail for the sake of our male readers.. but I'll tell you something was/is not right. You know when you think to yourself. "Self, this cant be good."? I was there. I had been in pretty considerable pain since early monday.. and then the boobs over at Blanton decided to screw with my life and I decided to ignore it, and frankly I'd been doing a darn fine job of it. But yesterday afternoon things got REALLY odd.. and very painful when I bent over to pick up legos (Its my constant job, at any given time you could walk into my livingroom and find large duplo legos. At least one or two.) I got a shooting pain in my middle and it would not go away. It settled to a nasty achey thing...radiating from my middle and wandering around to my lower back and scooting down my left leg. but didnt get better.
By the time we got back from the teen wrangling rodeo (steven and I do security for our Youth ministry at church, and they are honestly like herding cows.. they wander from the herd and get lost in pairs in dark alleys) I was miserable. So miserable in fact I was willing to allow Steven to take me to the ER.. with (GASP!) no health insurance.
We went to Mcleod Regional in Florence. Frankly, the ER in Dillon scares the bejesus out of me.They cant be trusted.. whatsmore the wait was like 4 hours JUST TO BE TRIAGED! We didnt have to wait that long at Mcleod florence, Thank goodness. So anyway. Details aside I have a cyst on my left ovary and it is likey to disolve on its own in a few days. They loaded me up with pain killers (yay for percoset and valium!) and sent me on my merry way... at nearly 4 am.
I will tell one funny story though. I was laying in a puddle (not literaly, just feeling like one) on a very comfortable bed wrapped in warmed blankets and sipping my crushed ice and apple juice. I had been given some wonderful earth moving shot that was taking away all the pain AND helping to disvole my cyst. When the nurse came in and told me. "Dr HYMEN will be in to give you a pelvic exam in just a minute." She didnt even blink. I asked DR HYMEN? I snorted apple juice. If you dont understand why this is so funny, email me privately and I will explain it to you.
anyway, feeling much better today.. but I wonder.. what else?
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