Tuesday, July 18, 2006

the tooth fairy

The tooth fairy is coming to my house tonight.This time for Thing One. If you read back in my blogs, early this spring she went to see a butcher in Florence. She had an absessed tooth and it HAD to come out. Due to probably to long on the bottle and wayyy to many antibiotics for ear infections her baby teeth are pretty lame. But anyway all said and done she had a TRAUMATIC dentist experience and had THREE baby molars removed all in one day. Since then she has had NO baby teeth to fall out naturally.

For the past few weeks we have been easing her into a better experience. An aquaintance from church works in the office and she has been GREAT. She really made a big deal over Caitlin and made it so easy.

Not to mention the happy gas she had before the extraction! That was SO funny. Im not saying I like seeing my kid all high.. but I was amused beyond words. She was a comedian and had the staff in stitches. Poor baby.

That brings another issue. What the heck do I do with all those baby teeth? I am NOT a sentimental person. I dont keep stuff. I have ONE small box of memorablia from my teen years. I have a scrapbook of Caitie's first year.. and baby pictures on my wall. But I dont keep junk. YET I cant make myself throw away those teeth. They are all creepy and gross hidden in a Tony Stewart (yay Home Depot) tin in the bar of my house. (yeah we have a bar.. its odd in OUR house.. but there it is.)Anyway. What do you do with your kids baby teeth?

So if you see something flying low over my house tonight.. you'll know its the lady with the wings ;)

1 comment:

Brian Rhodes said...

Sounds like you need to send em to grandma's house for safe keeping....that way you ain't gotta hang on to em. LOL.