Saturday, July 22, 2006

fostering isnt for me

A lot of times I have thought about becoming a foster parent. In the area that we live in there are a LOT of kids that could use a safe haven.Theres so much stuff that kids go through. I thought that if I could be Jesus to them for even a little while, and then send them on thier way. It would be a way of giving back, since we have been so blessed. I mean I love children, and I'm pretty good with them, and the two that I am raising are turning out pretty good. No drugs(although Thing Two REALLY enjoyed the laughing gas she had at the dentist the other day... she said it made her feel "floaty"), arrests, or sexual immorality to speak of. yay for our team.. they are only 6 and 11, but you gotta take your victories where you can find them I say.

Anyway my point is, I didnt think that Steven and I would do a bad job being foster parents... at least until I tried it a little. During the week I look after a 1 yr old DARLING little girl. She is the cutest little thing.. I mean extrodinarily cute. She is the youngest daughter of one of my cousins... who is not parenting her. My Uncle and his girlfriend who are in thier late 60's have custody of her.If you have been reading along, you will find that a few members of my family are interesting. some of them are misguided and some are a complete mess. This is NOT the same family I wrote about a few weeks ago.I am not sure of all of the situation that caused my cousin to lose custody of her kid, but there you have it. The girlfriend is the primary caregiver for both the baby and my aging uncle, and had needed a break for some time. SO she took a vacation leaving the little one in my care. My uncle called and asked us if they needed it would we be able to keep her more often even on a semi permanent basis. I of course agreed.

I didnt know what to expect and allowed myself to imagine what life might be like with another child. I bought her clothes and shoes since when she was left with me Monday for the week there werent any brought for her at all.Since she was teething this week I sat and rocked her, and was up at night with her. It brought so much back from when Thing Two was a baby. I know she isnt mine, and I knew that theyd probably come and take her.. but just for a second it soothed the ache that secondary infertility is causing.

They came for her friday evening. I kissed her like I always do on fridays and plugged her into her car seat. I was so tired from my work week and exhausted from being up nights all week that it didnt really hit me until this evening when the clothing she wore all week cycled through the loads of laundry I was folding. I thought about her, and the life that she will lead if some major changes dont take place. She isnt really in the best place for her right now even though my Uncle and his girlfriend love her very much. They are old, and both have health issues.I cant do anything other than offer my help and make the suggestion that they leave her with me again and again. It just isnt my place.

There is NO way I could put myself through that on a regular basis. No thank you.

Thats all I have to say about that.

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