Friday, May 05, 2006

Thing Two's refuge

I was thinking today about thing two. She really is a neat kid. She plays so imaginatively.. then I got to thinking about little girls and thier bedrooms. Her bedroom is a refuge. The only place on this earth that is uniquely her own. I have molded it a little.. provided decorations. But really she has made it her own. Its all full of her treasures. Her own designs and her personality.

She IS pink fluffy canopies and vanities. She IS a line up a flower laiden faires parading accross her wall. She is a Disney Princess. (How many kids do YOU know who have personally met ALL of them THREE times?)There are tiny piles of even tinier dolls and thier much tinier accesories. Ponys and thier playmates.. and piles and piles of clothes..that spill out of her dresser out of the closet that is not barred by a door but sparkling rows of tinkerbell beads.

There wont be another single place in her life that will be so indicative of her personality. She may have her own aparment, but she'll hide away her personality in leiu of being S"stylish" She certainly wont have piles of tiny dolls and rocks and shells hidden in shoeboxes.

I love that about being a little kid.. and I hope that it will be a long long time before she begins hiding her personality and making it look "stylish"

1 comment:

Brian Rhodes said...

Dang, I don't visit your blog for like a week and I come back and end up spending 30 minutes catching up.

First off, CSI blog was hillarious! That was great and I give Thing One credit for trying. That's a smart child.

The Broccoli/Cauliflower/Carrot story with Thing Two...also VERY funny!

Lastly, if you want to talk about the baby thing, don't hesitate to find me. Trust me, I know what you're going through. Don't feel uncomfortable asking me! If you prefer have my address!

Glad to have you back in Blog world!