I am begining to think that I have been touched by the "Generational Parental Curse" The GPC as I shall call it, is that epithet muttered by every parent in moments of exasperation and consternation. "I hope you have one ten times as bad as you." Only I am afraid something has gone terribly awry. I have recieved my younger sister's GPC!
As adults my sister and I have FINALLY found our friendship. I have grown far fonder of her in recent years than I was growing up. In fact since her move home to Alaska last summer, I miss that girl far more than I care to admit. I grieve for the years we lost fighting. But I love knowing that I am making a friend in her.I am proud of who she is and of her amazing musical talent. I love her very much. Now that I have made my mother bawl, I'll get back to what I was saying (Tina? I WIN.)
But as a kid and teenager? My younger sibling was emotionally delicate . She cried... all the time, over almost everything. Ask any number of my childhood friends to impersonate my kid sister growing up and they will without exception screw up thier faces and let out a whiney cry and say "I just dont feel good you guys.. leave me alone." With migrane headaches and likely mild depression. I'm sure she didnt feel good most of the time.. whatsmore, I wasnt the most understandng of sisters.. but what teenager is truely sypathetic to thier bratty kid sister? I didnt understand why she was so emotional all of the time. At that time I was somthing of a "cold fish" I didnt do emtotion and even now I know how to turn it off.
Through college I dreaded mornings. She HATED to get out of bed in the morning.. Granted, we did live in Alaska, and it was COLD. Even today, she drags herself from the covers and I think.. that were it acceptable for a grown woman to whine and throw fits? She throw the occasional one and return to her bed.Tina loves to sleep and I dont fault her for it. Its who she is.
if growing up with a crying whiney sister and not being nice about it is the joke?
here is the punchline....
Thing 2 is a walking breathing clone of my sister.
Thing 2 is in a "stage".(God help me if it isnt just a stage) That kid cries about everything. Her heart is shattered into a million pieces and she produces real tears at the drop of a hat. The weather isnt right, the dog is in her way, The little man pinched her, (ok so he DOES pick on Thing 2 for no apparent reason.Its the strangest thing. He is sweet to everyone else, but to Thhing 2? He is devil incarnate.)I am at a loss as to what to do for her.
This morning drew me so quickly back to my teen years I had to check myself to really believe that I was standing in my own hallway and not in the bathroom of the house I grew up in! Thing 2 did not under any circumstances want to go to school. She began wimpering as soon as she heard me wake her sister in the next room. She begain wailing in earnest when I stood in her doorway and informed her that this was friday and the 100th day of kindergarden, and that she needed to get out of bed so she and her father could go to the grocery store to buy 100 goldfish crackers to share with her classmates. Her response was. "I HATE 100 DAYS CELEBRATIONS. I hate school. AND I hate the jeans you layed out for me to wear today. They are "poofy" and I wont wear them." All of this was sqwawked at me before she even opened her eyes. When I informed her that yes she would be attending school and that the levis I had layed out were exactly like every other pair she owned and that she WOULD be wearing them.. the tears began to flow. She lay on the couch, turned to face inward and began to sob. Giant crocodile tears. Heartwrenching awful hicough causing tears. I think the GPC people need to check thier records. This is not funny.
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This is hillarious! Maybe she's meant to be an actress. Don't quinch the acting abilities, LOLOL. Some women get paid good money to cry on demand in Hollywood. Maybe you're reaping what you sowed in some way......GOD HELP YOU. You were a heathen weren't you?
I must have been baaaaaaaaaad. Cause this suuuuuuuuucks.
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