Sunday, September 11, 2005


Comments on 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and my Stuff addiction

Today is the 4th anniversary of 9/11. I dont want to use the word SURREAL.. ever, really. I hate that pretentious overused word.... yet the fact remains that it is.. surreal. Just as the hurricane footage from the Gulf cost still is after two weeks. Unbelieveable and frightening, sad and maddening. Even more so now that I am a parent and a part of my own family. I keep thinking of the loss and the humanity of losing everything or worse someone.
If given a choice what would you rather lose. Everything you own down to the last stitch of clothing, or a member of your family? Answer deep in your heart because you may be surprised at what comes out. To the world, the answer is easy, no question. take my stuff. But really think. Would you sacrifice some wierd cousin or your mother in law for your bottle cap collection, your high school yearbooks and your favorite pair of jeans? hmmmmm I'll be honest. Id have to think a minute. Dont get me wrong.. Mama, Daddy, babies? In a heartbeat, take my house. But that wierdo cousin that chews his lips? My uncle that always smells wierd? I dont know how fast I would jump to do the right thing. I like to think that eventually I would be gallant and sacrifice my coca cola tin collection for old Uncle Al.. I like to think so anyway.
So..more about attatchment to STUFF. Walmart yesterday.. OH MY GOD. what a nightmare. People everywhere buying up so much stuff. I, like every other soul in this town seems like was there, carefully illiterated list in hand... hand cleanser (more soap! yay!) paper towells, highlighters from Jasmin's school, vaccume cleaner bags ( to remove Dalton's cookie crumbs that stick to every suface in my home) Cinnamon candles (wich I will post on later) ect ect ect. As I was walking amoungst the masses looking for exactly what it was I never needed in the first place, I finally struck on WHY the Hurricane footage disturbs me so..even more than 9/11 did.
I really love my stuff. I dont have a lot of it, and it isnt the higher quality stuff you get from the mall... its walmart and hand me down stuff. There isnt a single piece of furniture in my house that didnt belong to somebody else first. But its mine now, and I like it.
I would be crushed if somebody I knew or loved was taken from me in a catastrophy like 9/11... but take my stuff too? Aak... Id be certifiable. I bet thats a lot why we keep watching this disaster on tv.. Oh my GOD! They lost all thier STUFF.. that is awful.. Yes Uncle Al and lip chewy cousin are alive and well right her beside them, wearing thier redcross tshirt and donated socks proudly... But man, they dont have any more STUFF!
hmmm I think Im gonna wait a few months and gather up some Stuff and send it down there.

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