Friday, February 03, 2006

Thing One and Thing Two

It has come to my attention that maybe having my kids names listed on the internet is a little risky.. what with all the other information I have in my blog, and the fact that I suddenly had a HUGE spike in my blog readership (why? why? why?) some creepster might try to obscond with them.. so I have gone back through and edited it. I have a blogfriend that calls her kids "thing one" (the elder)and "thing two" (the younger) and I love that since it is a Dr. Suess reference, and it protects the "innocent" The other one will be dubbed "the boy". Call it plagerism call it cheating.. but I'm calling it mine. If you know me at all, you'll know wich child Im speaking of, and if you dont you can email me if you got a question.. and if I trust you not to be a creepster.. youll get my answer.

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