Monday, October 17, 2005

rite of passage

My 11 year old has reached a childhood milestone. She has had her heart broken and I cannot do anything about it. Before now, I could go beat up the bad guys, rescue her and make it all better. I am useless today. Whatsmore.. she handled it better than I did.

Jasmin didnt get the part in the play. She tried her best. I mean she really tried. She chose a part in our church's christmas program that none of her friends wanted (pretty smart for a kid who has less talent than enthusiasm) She memorized THE ENTIRE PART. Word for word. She learned every song and cue in the production.She listened to the recording EVERY NIGHT ALL NIGHT LONG.And then... she stood before the audition "commitee" and did all she could do. But after everything... she is the understudy.

Being her mom Im secretly hoping that the overstuffed caterpillar that got the part gets pneumonia the week of the play... I am also wondering if the judging was totally fair since the leprachan ( I want to call her worse names.. because she really isn't a very nice little girl.. she is mean to Jasmin and is very badly behaved in general. ) that got the part's parent was on the audition "committee" My kneejerk reaction was to march up to the director and give him my opinion of his "commitee". I mean really, even if you arent allowed to score your own child, if you know that she wants a certain part, wouldn't you be more likely to score other children in contention for it.. just a squooch lower? I know I would.. thats why Steven and I declined an invitation to be on the committee.

I thought that Jasmin would be a sad case last night after the parts were announced. But she was like the Susan Lucci of the christmas play world. She smiled and clapped for her. And then came home from church and PLAYED THE DARN PLAY AGAIN. When I asked what she was doing she said " Well.. she COULD get sick... it IS flu season." I walked away shaking my head.

What if we ALL smiled and clapped in the face of dissapointment? What if we could be gracious when our enemy triumphed? Even when they get undeserved reward? I cant rescue Jasmin this time.. and it is likely that she will not play 'grandmother star' in the christmas production. But by watching her handle this situation with grace and maturity, I am encouraged as a mom... I am doing my job. She is a good person... and I am challenged by her to be a better person. To stand tall in the shadow of adversity and always remember.. even when it is dark, all is not lost. After all... it IS flu season!!!


Brian Rhodes said...

She really did a good job. The "catapiller" (spelling?) getting that part had nothing to do with her mom judging. Her mom wasn't in the room when she tried out. That was our rule. In your babies defense it WAS close, but just so you know, her mom had NO hand whatsoever in her getting that part. Also, the director had NO part in his daughter getting the her part. Come and talk to me if you need to but please don't be mad at anyone. It really was close. I am so proud to hear the way she acted. I know you've got to be proud, she handled that better than I've handled stuff like that when I was her age. I'm embarassed to remember the crazy way my chunky dramatic self acted as a child.

Michele said...


I emailed u :)

Brian Rhodes said...

Michele....didn't get it.