Monday, September 11, 2006

We wont forget.

Today is the 5 year anniversary of the loss of 2973 americans. People like you and me who were just doing thier jobs.. making the coffee.. checking email.. making weekend plans...being a hero. All of them, just gone. I am listening to the loved ones of those we lost read the names at ground zero as I write this.I cant imagine the loss and pain this past 5 years has held for them. They gave up so much, just so someone who was angry could express thier madness.Steven just called, on his way to work, and left a message on our internet answering machine. Just everyday stuff, "I put this much money in the bank, I filled up the car... I love you, and I'll see you tonight." Usually I listen to the message and then erase it. But today... I think I'll leave it. How many wives did the same thing five years ago today?

I am watching President Bush stand bravely at the pentagon and listen. As much as he has been a disapointment. This is one instance where I am glad that he was there that day... and responded with words that still make me proud of him... even if living up to the promises he has been harder than even he imagined.

Tonight I plan to make a nice dinner and hold my kids till bedtime and to look at Steven with the eyes of a woman who lost her husband on a september morning five years ago.

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